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"How many times have I told you that I'm in love with your house?" 

Taehyung huffed out a laugh and rolled his eyes, continuing to run a hand through Namjoon's hair as they lazed around on another off-day. "Every time you come over, so...this is the eighth time you've told me." 

Namjoon giggled and snuggled into Taehyung's side more. He was a surprisingly cuddly person when it came to spending time with the older man. 

A few months after they became friends, Namjoon admitted that he wasn't one for skinship, but when it came to Taehyung, he just couldn't help but find some form of comfort in the older man. It warmed Taehyung's heart that he could still bring comfort to someone; he thought that part of him died years ago. 

But Namjoon resurrected that part of him. Taehyung was thankful. 

Suddenly, the younger man gasped, "Oh! Did I tell you I met someone a few days ago?" 

"Really? Who?" 

Sometimes, it was difficult for Taehyung to comprehend that Namjoon was an adult. He was just so wholesome and innocent; how could a boy like him befriend someone like Taehyung? It was incomprehensible. 

Namjoon blushed and leaned away from his friend. "His name is Jackson Wang. He's from China, but he's staying here for his job."

The designer raised an eyebrow, lips twitched up in a knowing smirk. "Do you like this Jackson guy?" he asked, poking the younger man in the ribs. 

He pouted and moved away, face like a tomato. "I only met him once! But we exchanged numbers and he's fun to talk to."

Taehyung couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy pang at his heart. Aside from coworkers and the occasional call from Yugyeom, he had no real friends other than Namjoon. He knew he could be overprotective and possessive when it came to friends, but that stemmed from raising Jungkook and defending Jimin. 

The older man wanted Namjoon to be his only, even if he was nothing more than a friend. But Namjoon was such a free-spirited person; he needed to spread his wings. No matter what Taehyung wanted, Namjoon's need to fly was always going to be put first. 


It only took a few weeks, but eventually Jackson Wang asked Namjoon out on a date, and the college student said yes. The only condition was that Taehyung had to be allowed to go with them, and Jackson agreed. It was a simple dinner-date at a cheap place, but Namjoon was very nervous and needed his best friend's support. 

Who was Taehyung to tell the poor boy to suck it up and go by himself?

"For the last time, Namjoonie, you look perfect. You always do," he sighed as they got closer to the diner. 

This was probably the millionth time Namjoon asked how he looked within the ten-minute walk. He pouted and held onto his friend's hand. "Maybe I should have put on makeup. My skin is too dark."

That comment made Taehyung stop right at the diner entrance. He turned the younger man to face him, hands firmly on his shoulders. "Kim Namjoon, you're so beautiful I can't even put it into words. You don't need makeup and Jackson won't ever care about how dark you are. He's a Chinese man in South Korea, and the entertainment industry he works for mistreats him. He won't ever judge or mistreat you, now come on."

They entered the diner together, Namjoon making a B-line for the back booth. 

A buff man with black hair and dark eyebrows sat there, nervously picking at one of his many bracelets. Everything he wore was black, but in no way did he look menacing. When he glanced in the direction of the door, his eyes locked onto his date's and a smile washed across his face. 

A giggle left Namjoon as he smiled back and dragged Taehyung to sit down. 

"Hi, Jackson! This is my best friend, Kim Taehyung," he said proudly, nodding towards his best friend, then sat down next to his date. 

"Nice to meet you. I'm obviously Jackson Wang. I promise I'll treat your buddy well," Jackson beamed, draping an arm over Namjoon's shoulders. 

By the way the two men interacted and how Jackson's eyes sparkled when he looked at his date, Taehyung knew that Namjoon was in the right hands. 

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