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The first year of being Hoseok's friend opened Taehyung up to a whole new world of both understanding and fear. 

Most days were good days; Hoseok would take all of his medications and go about his day with no problems. Some days, the medications weren't very effective. If Taehyung wasn't there, Hoseok would call him crying about how loud everything was; Hoseok hated yelling and other loud noises.

Lately, Taehyung was beginning to discover just how much he loved being around the older man. 

It didn't matter that other people had zero patience with Hoseok; Taehyung occasionally got frustrated, but he never took it out on him. It wasn't his fault that he was the way he was. All that mattered was that Hoseok made Taehyung happy and vice versa. 

Today, Taehyung decided that he was going to talk to Hoseok about his feelings; he wanted to take their relationship further, but he wanted to know the older man's feelings, too. 

They were currently at a public park. 

It was pretty early in the morning, so only runners and dog-walkers were out. Hoseok was giggling wildly ad he danced while roller skating, spinning in slow circles.

Taehyung smiled like an idiot as he walked next to the older man, cigarette in one hand. He did his best to make sure Hoseok wouldn't get secondhand from him, so they were a good few feet apart. 

A few months back, Taehyung discovered that Hoseok didn't like too much contact, so the younger man never initiated holding hands or hugs. 

"Hobi-hyung, I need to talk to you about something," Taehyung said, putting his cigarette out in a designated area. 

A tiny pinch of fear flashed through Hoseok's brain. He didn't want the younger man to leave him; Taehyung made his lonely, miserable life more bearable. 

As if Taehyung could sense his worry, he smiled. "It's nothing bad, I promise."

With those words of reassurance, Hoseok got closer to Taehyung and held his hand. 

He hated the smell of cigarettes, so he didn't get too close. 

"Um, I'm not very good at expressing myself," Taehyung mumbled, dropping his head. "Things happened to me that made me this way, but..." 

Hoseok could tell Taehyung was struggling, so he came a little closer. "Be my boyfriend, TaeTae."

A smile washed across his friend's face at that. "You wanna be my boyfriend?"

The older man nodded, cheeks pink. He swung their clasped hands. "I know you like me and...it's hard for me to..." he shook his head. "I'm not normal, but you still like me. I like you so much."


"Oh my gosh!" Hansung beamed when he opened the front door. 

Taehyung smiled sheepishly, holding Hoseok to his side so that he wouldn't roll away. "Hey, Dad. Sorry it's been such a long time since I visited. I just --"

"Taehyung, I'm not mad at you -- not even close! Come in, come in!" 

Taehyung helped Hoseok take off his roller skates and leave them by the door, then moved him to the small living room. 

Nothing much had changed since the last time Taehyung was here, besides his father. Kim Hansung was definitely older, but he was still happy and healthy. That was all that mattered to Taehyung. 

"So Taehyungie, who's this cutie?" Hansung asked, sitting down in the chair by the couch. 

Hoseok was obviously nervous to meet Taehyung's father, but he insisted on it -- no backing out now. 

Taehyung smiled his wide smile and held onto his older boyfriend's hand. "This is Jung Hoseok. He'll be thirty-five in February, and --"

"I'm TaeTae's boyfriend," Hoseok blurted, catching Hansung by surprise. 

But the father watched how his son smiled so widely and kissed Hoseok's temple. "That's right, baby. You're my boyfriend." He looked up at his father, nervousness shining in his eyes. 

Hansung knew that it was going to be hard for Taehyung to date again. Jimin's death tore his precious son to pieces. 

But he also noticed how different Hoseok was. 

He didn't see an autistic dating his son; instead, he saw someone who looked at the world differently with a few too many negative thoughts in his head. 

They were obviously very happy together. 

"I'm very happy because TaeTae loves me. He doesn't hurt me or get frustrated with me," Hoseok said. 

To anyone else, it was like he was speaking to no one in particular, but Hansung knew it was directed towards him. He nodded in satisfaction, smiling at his son. 

"Taehyungie has always been a good boy. Take care of each other, okay?" 

Taehyung smiled and nodded, standing to give his dad one last hug. "We will, Dad. I love you."

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