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Taehyung didn't feel like drinking, but he did want to visit a certain cutie at work today. All day, he had been watching the clock so that he could leave work and see Hoseok again. 

So now Taehyung sat at the bar, chin resting in his palm while he watched Hoseok make drinks. It was quite obvious that it wasn't a good day for the older man; his facial expressions changed more than they usually did and occasionally, he would wipe some tears away or mutter to himself. 

A group of drunk men and women a little further down the bar were causing issues, too. They were making loud, vulgar comments about how they would like to treat Hoseok. The women were more vulgar about it than the men were, eyeing the poor bartender like a piece of meat.

When Hoseok sat down one of the women's drinks, she grabbed his wrist and leaned in close. 

"I bet you're a screamer, huh?"

The group laughed when Hoseok began whining and struggling to be freed from the woman's hold.

A few coworkers came around to assist Hoseok, calling the bouncer to escort the drunk group out of the bar while simultaneously trying to calm the obviously panicking man down. 

Taehyung's blood boiled and heart ached at the sounds of Hoseok's yelling and crying; there was no way of anyone calming him anytime soon. But Taehyung felt something else when he figured out what Hoseok was yelling. 

"I need TaeTae! I need TaeTae! I need him...I-I need..." Hoseok pointed a violently trembling hand to Taehyung, who cleared his throat and stood. 

"I can take him home," he said to one of the employees holding Hoseok still.

He looked Taehyung over for a second, then gave a nod of approval. "Alright, Hobi. Make your way over to TaeTae. I'll go get your stuff."

Hoseok skated around the bar and straight into Taehyung, tears still rolling down his cheeks. He was a bit taller with the skates on, so he had to lean down to bury his face in the younger man's shoulder. Taehyung didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around Hoseok, hopefully providing a sense of security for the upset man. 

"It'll be alright, Hobi. I'm gonna get you home and we'll order takeout and watch a movie. That sound good?" he mumbled, earning a little head-nod in return. 


Hoseok's home was incredibly simple. There was a small living room, kitchen and dining area, and one bedroom with a connected bathroom. The furnishings were simple, yet tasteful; it was kept remarkably clean, too. The space screamed Hoseok, and Taehyung was rather fond of it. 

It had been a while since the incident at the bar, so this would be the second time Taehyung had been to Hoseok's home. The older man texted him earlier that he was having a bad day and wouldn't be at work, so the interior designer decided to check on his friend. 

They were in the kitchen; Hoseok sat on the counter while Taehyung washed blackberries. He had on a thin yellow t-shirt and a pair of gym shorts (that Taehyung was pretty certain were for girls, but never commented). His black hair stuck up in every direction, and he looked overall sad. 

The younger decided he hated seeing Hoseok sad. 

"Hobi, eat some blackberries with me." 

Taehyung sat the bowl of blackberries next to Hoseok's thigh, grinning as they ate together. It was obvious that Hoseok still wasn't happy, but he did seem to perk up just a bit. 

For the few seconds that the locked eyes with Taehyung, Hoseok felt his chest get warm and fuzzy. He liked being around this man. 

"Come closer, TaeTae," he whispered, reaching over to pull the younger until he was standing between his legs. "I really like hugs."

That forced a chuckle from Taehyung, that butterfly feeling he once felt now foreign to him. "Hobi-hyung, I like hugs, too. You can hug me all you want as much as you want. I don't mind it at all."

With that, Hoseok wrapped his arms around Taehyung's neck, head nestled on his shoulder. Taehyung hummed and slid his hands around the older's waist, feeling all the tension in his body relax. 

Hoseok melted into him, the negativity in his head silenced for the time being. He wished he could take care of Taehyung just like the younger man was taking care of him. He thought his condition wouldn't allow that, though. 

"Stay here tonight," Hoseok whispered, feeling Taehyung finally rest his head on Hoseok's other shoulder. 

"I will, hyung," Taehyung sighed, closing his eyes while Hoseok nuzzled his neck.

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