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Blood red eyes, dried,
Burning from suppressing
Tears that were built for ages,
Yet flowed never.

Pale lips, chapped,
Mumbling something.
Words, thoughts, built for ages,
Yet came out never.

Flaky hands, rough,
Blood oozing drop by drop.
Nails digging into the palm,
For actions that came out never.

Blood red eyes, dried,
Pale lips, chapped,
Flaky hands, rough,
A, for ages, suppressed soul.

I wanted to grab her hand,
Help her out, soothe her pain,
I saw her standing in front,
She was my reflection in the mirror.

                                  - Zayana Cullen

Author's note : Thank you for reading my work☺. If you liked it please vote and comment for my work and follow me. It'll motivate and encourage me a lot.

Thank you☺
Zayana Cullen

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