It's Been Long

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It's been long
Since I stretched, smiling
Happily at the warm sun rays,
Waking up from a sound sleep.

It's been long
Since I slept, smiling
Happily at the resting night,
Dozing off to a peaceful world.

It's been long
Since I lived in a peaceful world,
Cheerful, happy and serene
Leisure spent on weekends.

It's been long
Since I spent weekends leisurely,
Actively resting, enjoying
With family and friends.

It's been long
Since I enjoyed with family and friends
Merrily, smiling, sharing
Even when sick.

I realised it's been long
Since I lived life, sickening slowly,
Now at the ICU on ventilation,
The sadness ate me up from inside.

                             - Zayana Cullen

Author's note : Thank you for reading my work☺. If you liked it please vote and comment for my work and follow me. It'll motivate and encourage me a lot.

Thank you☺
Zayana Cullen

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