It rains everyday,
The sun peeps, somehow, rarely.
The clouds cover the sky,
The once clear blue,
With soothing fluffy white,
Now turned to black,
With grey thunders everyday.
The furious winds blow,
The storm wakes up every evening,
The thunders chat,
The lightning kisses the earth;
The acts they yearned.
The serene sky was tired,
The warmth wanted to die,
The ferociousness took birth,
The greedy had to be silenced.
I looked up the sky
To discover it clear blue.
The clouds read,
"Those are you."- Zayana Cullen
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Silent Whispers of Dysphoria
PoesieWhen mirror is not enough to reflect emotions, when talks are not enough to convey feelings, a silent poem and a pen and it's creations may help. Edit (April 14, 2020) : This book was previously titled as "Autumn Leaves" *NOTE FOR READERS* Dear rea...