The Painting

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A beautiful face,
Sparkling eyes,
A pointed nose,
Blushing cheeks,
Perfect shaped brows,
Reddish pink lips.

A perfect face but with deep scars,
Sparkling eyes due to tears,
A pointed nose, broken a few times,
Blushing cheeks for slaps on it,
Perfect shaped brows, harshly plucked
Reddish pink lips, kissed harshly.

"So beautiful! ", people exclaim.
"She's mine", you smile and say,
I thank them all without voice.
People see what you show,
You're the one knowing true meaning.
I'm the beautiful painting painted by you.

                             - Zayana Cullen

Author's note : Thank you for reading my work☺. If you liked it please vote and comment for my work and follow me. It'll motivate and encourage me a lot.

Thank you☺
Zayana Cullen

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