Chapter 6

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Katniss' POV

That was probably the longest 45 minutes of my life, but we eventually made it to where ever Peeta is taking me. He sets me down and take off the blindfold. I'm in shock. I can't believe what I'm seeing. It's a romantic picnic with candle lit all around. It's perfect, just like I wanted and knew it would be. I look just a little bit past the picnic blanket and see the pond. The pond my father would taking me swimming in. I wonder how Peeta knew about this spot.
"Do you like it?" I can tell Peeta has some uncertainty in his voice.
"Peeta, I love it! How did you know about the pond?"
"What do you mean?"
"This is the pond my father took me swimming in, didn't you know that?"
"No, well I guess this just makes it even better."
"It really does." I say with tears rolling down my face. Not just any tears though, these are tears of joy!
We sit down on the blanket Peeta had set up and eat. He had made cold- cut sandwiches, cheese buns, and some sweet tea for a drink. When we finish, we lay down side by side, watching the sunset.
After a long while of silence, Peeta says something.
"Are you mad at me?"
"No, why would I be mad at you?"
"For what I did to you a few weeks ago."
"I was at first, but Haymitch explained everything to me. I understand and appreciate you wanting to protect me."
"I am sorry, I hope you know that. I truly do mean that." I can feel my cheeks get hot. I don't say anything back, I just scoot closer to him and put my head on his chest. I listen to his steady heartbeat and wish this night would never end. It eventually did when Peeta says, "It's getting really late, we should probably get heading back."
I sigh and respond with, "Okay, but I'm tired, will you carry me?"
Of course he says yes. We get everything packed up, then I hop on his back and we start to head back.
We go to his house first and put everything up. Then he walks me over to my house. He Just walked me to the front door, but before he turned away I asked,
"Peeta.. um would you're to come and sit on my couch with me?" Wow l, I guess I didn't realize how nervous I was.
"Yeah, sure." He said with a slight smile.
We go and sit on the couch, about 2 feet apart. It was really awkward until Peeta asks if I want to sit on his lap. Of course I said yes. I rest my head on his shoulder and immediately fell asleep.

Peeta's POV

This is what I have been waiting for. Katniss in my arms with her head on my shoulder. I'm afraid to fall asleep because I don't want t wake up and her be gone.
Soon enough it's morning and she slowly wakes up.
"Good morning beautiful!"
"Good morning." She sounds so cute when she talks in her sleepy voice.
"Would you like me to make some breakfast?"
"No!... Sorry I didn't mean to say it so harshly, I just want you to stay with me."
"Always." I can see tears filling up in her eyes. I now know she is thinking about when we said this on the train. "You don't have to hold back from me."
As soon as I say that, tears spill from her eyes flowing like a river.
"What's the matter?" I ask starting to get concerned.
"It's just... It's nothing."
"Well that's only the biggest lie I've ever heard." This brings a smile across her face. "Well, first I was thinking about the train when we were on the victors tour. Then I was thinking about when you were in the Capitol, Prim was the only one I had left, because I thought I would never get you back."
"Well I hope you know I would fight to the ends of the earth for you." This makes her smile even bigger and she gives me a nice big and tight hug. She nestles her head right I my collarbone and I wrap my arms around her.
We stay like this for what seems like forever, until Katniss asks
"Peeta, will you make me some--"
"Cheese buns?" I cut her off cause I knew exactly what she was going to ask. She giggles and nods. We walk to the kitchen hand in hand. Katniss sit on the counter while I make the buns. To kind of show off, while kneading the bread, I flex my biceps. I get some giggles from her.
I get them in the oven quickly.
"They will be done in about 45 minutes."
"Okay well I'm going to take a shower." "Okay."
*20 minutes later*
"Wow that was quick, especially for a girl."
"Oh shut up, so where are my cheese buns?"
"They're still in the oven. You should have taken a longer shower."
"Well I'm sorry, I wanted to get back to you quicker!" I can feel my face get hot when she said that...

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