Chapter 15

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Peeta's POV

"Katniss!" I scream. I shoot up.
I'm sweating like crazy. My heart is racing a million miles a minute. I'm out of breath. I look to my left and see Katniss awake, siting with a worried look on her face.
"Katniss." I breathe out.
I hug her and she hugs me back, but soon pulls away.
She gives me a "are you okay" face. "Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about it." She doesn't buy it.
Now she is giving me "please tell me" face.
"Fine. As you probably figured out, I had a nightmare. Johanna, Gale, Annie, Madge, Haymith, me, and-" I can't say it, so I whisper it. "Our son were in it." She is shocked. I continue. "We were at you your funeral."
I don't want to go into anymore detail, at least for now. She picks a pen and paper. She writes a note quickly then hands it to me.
It reads: "Peeta, I promise I won't be leaving you anytime. And I won't leave you alone with our child, if we have one." I look up at her and we give each other slight smiles. I turn and sit across from her, legs crossed just as hers are. I take her hands. She looks down, acting shy. She fumbles around with our entangled fingers.
"Katniss, will you look at me?" My voice is rough.
She slowly looks up barely making eye contact.
"My nightmare made me realize how much I truly love you."
She mouthes "I love you too, Peeta." We slowly lean in until our foreheads are touching.
"I love you so much." I say faintly.
"I love you so much more." She mouths.
I don't give her a chance to respond. I just kiss her. It's about 5 seconds long, but it was a great 5 seconds.
"It's 4:53 and I'm not tired, are you?" She shakes her head no.
"Okay, let's go get some breakfast then." I get up. I don't let her feet hit the ground before I swoop her off the bed and run downstairs. I go into the kitchen and set her in the island counter.
"What would you like for breakfast?" She points to the fridge. I go and open it.
"Point to what you want." She point directly any the eggs and then the bacon.
"Alright, coming right up." It doesn't take me more than 10 minute to have both of our meals made and set up at the island. She hops off the counter and walks over to her plate and so do I. We sit down and eat. Through the meal, it is silent. We finish about the same time. We clean up and go into the living room.

"So my darling I think we have some things to talk about." I say this as we sit on the couch.
She just kind of tilter head urging me to continue.
"Well if you don't remember, let me just remind you that I want you to be a Mellark as soon as possible." I smirk and she rolls her eyes.
"No, but seriously. Have you thought about it at all, made any plans?"
She shrugs and smiles a little. She grabbed a piece of paper and a pen laying on the coffee table and starts right. Curiosity flows through my brain thinking of what things she's plotting and planning.
She hands me the paper and it said, " I have been thinking about it and I only want to few people there, I was thinking Joanna, Annie, Haymitch, Madge, and my mother-"
Before I can even finish the sentence, there's a knock on the door. I start to stand up, but she beats me to it. Man shes stubborn. I follow her as she opens the door and I hear his voice and tense up.
"Hello Katniss." said Gale.
I can see year her grab her throat, but he doesn't give her time to explain, I protectively wrap my arms around her just out of habit.
"Katniss, I am so sorry, I heard you were in the hospital I wasn't sure if you were all right and I just wanted to make sure it wasn't him who hurt you."
I can hear the discussed in his voice as he says him as if it even mentioning me would burn his tongue. I see him glare at me but I act as if I'm not there.
"She can't talk you know. She has laryngitis." I say without emotion. "Fine then just listen. I'm sorry alright?" He says a little sharper than he probably should have. "I was stupid and I'm sorry I'm over it now I just want us to be friends. Can I ask that much from you?"
She shakes her head in the opposite direction then I was thinking.
She smiled a little as he walks away out the door saying "Bye Catnip."
"Well that was awkward." I mumbled to myself.
Katniss walks back over the couch and I sit next to her even closer than I was before. I guess you could say I was thought it was slightly jealous, but oh well I don't care I kissed her, hard. And she kissed me back even harder. Finally she pulled back rubbing her throat. I didn't even think about how that might have hurt her. I get up and get her a glass of water and some painkillers. Once I sit back down I continue to read the paper, and I noticed that she added Gale to the list of guests. I try not to react so I focus myself on the next line. " I want to do it by the pond with Primrose flowers everywhere, I don't care how much cost to get them over there Prim would've liked it."
The paper ends there.

I turned her and she has tears in her eyes but not helpless little girl tears, they are out of anger and hatred for so many things. We've gone through so much in with things still not completely straightened out, that shows you how bad it was. I can take it I have to say something, "I love you, never forget that okay? All this, doesn't matter as long as we're together. Even if I have to hold the world together for you, I'll do that because I can't live without you. You're my everything to me Katniss. Every minute, every second I'm not around you I feel like a fish out of water, not able to breathe and just stuck, unable to move but left to why they're thinking about the past and what could go wrong in the future. Until you're back around and everything's alright. It's like you carry oh my sanity around with you and I can we grasp it when I'm with you. I'll do anything I have to Katniss Everdeen , but I'm never gonna let you go, I'm going to stay with you, always."
She smiles then kiss me gently and snuggles on my chest and falls asleep. And I wish for sleep to come, I sat and thought about how I meant every single one of those words and that didn't even seem to scratch the surface about how I really feel about her.

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