Chapter 16

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Katniss POV

I wake up feeling warm and happy. I have woke up feeling that way in a long time. I look up and see Peeta peacefully asleep. I light kiss his cheek and his long blonde eyelashes slowly flutter. "Hi beautiful." He says in a sleepy voice.
"Hi." I whisper croak.
"Katniss, you talked. Did it hurt?"
I didn't even think about how I lost my voice, talking was just natural. It did hurt so I nod my head yes.
"Let me get you some tea and see if that helps."
I grab his arm as he is getting up, trying to show in alright. That doesn't stop him though. He pulls his arm out of my grasp and starts walking to the kitchen. I follow him.
"Katniss, I hope you know I just want to help you."
I do know that, I'm just not use to help. Since I can't say that, I go up to him and wrap my arm around him and silently cry into his chest.
"Hey, what's the matter?" He asks as he wraps his arms around me.
I shake my head into his chest. I feel like escaping this world. I wish it was just me and Peeta.
"Katniss, will you please look at me?"
I slowly lift my head and look into his light blue eyes.
"Please let me help you. You know I want the best for you. I just need you to stop being to stubborn. At lest until you get your voice back."
I pull away from our embrace and look at the ground.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." He places his hand under my chin and slowly lifts my head so I have to look at him.
"Yo-you di-did-didn't." I croak .
"Okay. Please just rest your voice. Once you drink this tea, we can try working your vocal cords. Alright?"
I nod. A few minutes later my tea is done and I slowly drink it. Unlike Peeta I prefer tea with sugar. Peeta won't let me put any in though. I choke the last sip down.
"Good girl." I just roll my eyes.
"Now if you want, we can try to get your voice back to normal."
I happily nod and run to the living room and plop down on the couch. Peeta follows and sits next to me.
"Let's just with one word at a time." I sigh, but I guess it will be best.
"Repeat after me. Peeta."
"Peeta." I say softly.
It was better than earlier.
"Very good! Now the next word. I."
"I." It didn't come as strong as I wanted, but it sounded better than the first one.
"Aright getting better and better. Now another one. Love."
"Love." This one isn't my normal voice, but almost there.
"Almost. Alright last one. You."
"You." Finally, my voice sounds normal.
I just now caught what he made me say. How was I so slow? He chuckles a little and smirks.
"It took you long enough."
"I know."
I hate when Peeta tricks me. We'll now it's time to have some fun with him.

Peeta's POV

Katniss has somewhat of an evil look in her eye. She must be mad that I tricked her.
"Are you really mad at me just for messing with you?" I ask with a concerned voice.
"No... Why would I be mad at you?" "I'm not sure. I just wanted to make sure."
"Okay. I'm hungry. While I take a shower, will you make me breakfast?" "Of course. Cheese buns?" She happily nods.
"I love you." She pecks my cheek and walks upstairs. I go I to the kitchen and start to make the cheese buns.

Katniss POV

Once I'm sure Peeta is distracted, I sneak downstairs and out the front door. I run to the woods quickly. When I think I'm far enough into the woods to where no one can see me, I stop running and try to catch my breath. I sit down on the wet leaves. Just listening to the birds chirp, the leaves rustle, and bees buzzing around. I close my eyes, taking in all of the sounds that I missed.
"Hi Catnip." I open my eyes and quickly behind me and see Gale.
"You scared me!"
"I'm sorry. I saw you run in here and wanted to come say hi."
"Oh, okay. Hi..."
"I see you got your voice back. Why were you in the hospital anyway?"
"I can't remember exactly, but the last thing I remember is that I had started a flour fight with Peeta. I had a headache and must of passed out."
"Oh wow. Who won?"
"I'm not sure, I think it was me." "Good. Well... I was wonder if you wanted to go hunt with me for a while?"
"Uh, sure. But just for a while. Peeta doesn't know I left, and I don't want him to be to worried."
"That's fine I just wanted to catch up, it's been a long time."
"Yeah it has."
I stand up and head to where I always leave my bow. I grab it and Gale sets up some snares. It wasn't a very successful afternoon because Gale and I were very loud. This afternoon reminded me of before I went into the games. When Gale and I would meet up, hunt, talk, and just be ourselves. I hope we can be like that again.

Peeta's POV

The bread has finished baking and Katniss still isn't out of the shower. I'm starting to get nervous. I go upstairs outside the bathroom door. I don't hear any running water.
"Katniss, honey. Are you in here?" There is no response. I slowly open the door. She isn't in here. I panic. "Katniss! Katniss! Where are you?" I yell running frantically around the house.
She is no where to be found. Maybe she went into town. I spend a few hours searching the around the district. She hasn't been seen anywhere. I think about it, if I were Katniss where would I go? The woods! I head into the woods shouting "Katniss! Katniss! Where are you?"
"Katniss, where are you?"
"I'm over here."
I see her waving me over. There's someone with her. Gale. I try to act casual.
"I've been looking for you for hours. Why didn't you tell me you were going into the woods?"
"I didn't think you would let me, so I snuck out. I was only going to be gone for a few minutes, but then I ran into Gale and we have hung out all afternoon. I'm sorry if I worried you. I didn't mean to." She stands up and kisses me.
"It's okay. Next time just tell me, promise?"
"Alright. I promise." She playfully roles her eyes.
"Well I guess we should head back. I will see you later Gale."
"Bye Katniss." I put my arm around her waist and we start walking back.
"I was so worried about you. So many thing were racing through my mind." "I'm sorry." She looks at the ground. "It's alright." It was silent the rest of the walk home. We get in the house and go straight to bed. It's been a long and tiring day for both of us.

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