Chapter 8

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Katniss' POV

....Gale. I just stand there in awe. I didn't expect to see him.
"Hey Catnip." He said with a smirk.
"Is there something I can help you with?" I say awkwardly.
"I just wanted to come and see how you are doing since it's been awhile. Can I come in?" He doesn't wait for a response, he just walks right in.
"Yeah, come right on in." This is getting really awkward.
"So... How have you been?"
"Fine. You?"
"Good just really busy at the mines. I really miss seeing-" I cut him off right there.
"Gale... I'm not ready. Even though you have apologized, I don't think I'll ever be able to truly fully forgive you." As soon as that last word slips out of my mouth, he kisses me. I push away as quick as possible.
"What do you think you are doing?" I shout at the top of my lungs.
"Katniss, I'm sorry I just couldn't help it. I love you, do you love me?"
"No, I won't ever love you. Please go." I'm crying at this point.
"Katniss ple-"
"Just go!" I yell pointing at the door. He leaves quickly, as I would to if I have to deal with me. I go and sit on the couch and just think about how close Gale and I use to be. Now I can't be anywhere near him or barely look at him for that matter.
My thoughts are interrupted by yet another knock on the door. I slowly make my way to the door. When I open it, Haymitch just walks right in and embraces me. I guess I didn't realize how much I needed someone to comfort me because I don't move at all. He let's go and says
"I saw Gale here earlier. I didn't sound like it went well."
"It was awful! First he walks right in my house. Then he kissed me!" I don't know why it is when u talk to Haymitch, I always get so worked up.
"That's when you kicked him out, right?"
"Where was Peeta when all of this happened?"
"He was at home. We took a walk today around town, when we got to the place where the bakery used to be, he had a nervous breakdown. I walked him home after that and haven't seen him since."
"I think you should go see him. It will help the both of you."
"Okay, I will! See you later Haymitch." With that he is gone. I don't know how, but Haymitch has helped me out a lot. It's kinda strange.

Peeta's POV

I really wish that Katniss would've stayed with me, but I guess she thought I needed some time alone. I guess I did but I still would rather be with her. I'm so glad we're together now. We complete each other.
I go into the kitchen to do some baking. I make chocolate chip cookies and cheese buns. For some reason, baking calms me down unlike anything else, besides Katniss of course! She has a special something unlike any one or anything else.
It isn't until about 6'o clock that I finish baking. The cookies are perfect. Crunchy on the outside chewy in the middle. I got everything cleaned and packed up. I walk out the door with the basket in hand. When in about half way to her house, the front door opens and I see her walk out. When she sees me, she runs straight towards me. She knocks me down on the ground, making me drop the basket. The best thing that could happen did, she kisses me. I don't pull back, I mean why would . It sure does bring be back to the interview with Ceasar Flickerman right before the victors you'd and we do the same thing except this time instead of slipping, I'm knocked over. We are in the exact position as we were. Also this kiss was more passionate and filled with more emotion. It meant something. She eventually pulls back for air an asks
"Does this remind you anything?" I smile and nod. We get up and dust each other off.

Katniss' POV

Once we get all cleaned up, Peeta asks
"Whose who use do you want to go to?"
"Let's go to your house since we were at mine last."
"Okay." We walk into his house and I can smell in the air that he has been baking. It smells like chocolate chip cookie ms and cheese buns. We go into the kitchen and I go ahead and take a seat on the counter.
"What did you make me today?" He just laughs.
"What makes you think I made anything for you?"
"Because you love me and that's the kind of thing you do for me."
"I made cookies and cheese buns."
"Yum, I want some!" I say as I'm reaching for the basket, Peeta smacks my hand. "I just wanted a cookie." I say in my sad voice.
"You haven't earned a cookie... Yet." He gives me a sly smile.
"Okay. What do you want?" I know what he wants, but I want him to ask me for it.
"I want this." He gives me a kiss right by my ear. "And this." He says giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Last but not least, this." He gives me a kiss right on the lips. It's a long, passionate, unbreakable kiss. I wish I could freeze this moment, right here, right now, and live in it forever. Our lips move in sync, as if they were meant for each other. I know they are. I hate to, but I finally break away from the kiss for air. We do each kiss over again except I do it to him. It was still amazing!
"Now can I have a cookie?"
"Yes you can."
"Thank you." I take a cookie from from the basket and start to think. Did I kiss Peeta 3 times just for a cookie? I'm not complaining, but I think I should get more out of this deal. "I don't think it's fair I had to kiss you 3 times just for a cookie."
"Okay, are to saying you didn't enjoy kissing me?"
"Peeta, you know what I mean."
"Okay, so what else do you want?"
"All of the cheese buns."
"That's a lot of cheese buns Katniss. Are you sure you can all of those?"
"Of course I can!" I'm starting to get pretty cocky. I eventually scarf down all of the cheese buns. "See, I told you I could do it!"
"You sure did prove me wrong. Now that you have a full stomach, let's go sit on the couch."
"Okay." He starts walking out of the kitchen towards the living room, but before he can get out of the kitchen, I hop on his back.
"Surprise!" He just laughs. Thank goodness Peeta had good balance and is strong. It didn't even to seem to phase him. He just start to run Ito the living room and plop me on the couch. He sits down right next to me and kisses me. It was a quick one but it was filled with care, kindness, and love. He pats his lap, gesturing for me to sit on it.
"Go ahead and go to sleep."
"Peeta..." I want to tell him about Gale. I meant tondo it earlier, but we were having so much fun I forgot all about it.
"I just wanted to tell you I had fun tonight."
"Me too." I barely hear that cause I fall asleep. The next morning I woke up to Peeta playing with my still on his lap, snuggled up against his warm, strong chest.
I wish I could stay like this, but I need to tell him about Gale.
"P-Peeta..." I stutter out.
"Yeah sweetie?"
"Um, I don't know how to say this..." I sit up and get off of his lap so I can see his beautiful sparking blue eyes.
"I saw Gale yesterday." That sure did get his attention. You could tell from his deep breaths that he was trying to keep his cool.
"Really? How is he doing?"
"He kissed me!" I blurt out. I didn't mean to say it that way, I just couldn't meet it in any longer.
"What?" He jumps straight out if his seat and I could see his muscles tense up as if he were going to punch something... Or someone.

Peeta's POV

I've been sitting here with Katniss on my lap all night and haven't gotten any sleep. This is the second night I have gotten any sleep because I'm just so worried that I will lose her. Soon enough the sun was starting to rise. I did notice that last night Katniss' hair is all in her face, so I carefully brush it away and start to play with it. She look so beautiful. So relaxed.
It isn't until about 9:30 she wakes up. Her eyes flutter open, revealing those gorgeous stormy grey sparkling eyes. She looks right up at me and I could instantly tell some thing was wrong.
"P-Peeta." I'm getting nervous, but I don't want that to show so I try and sound as calm and causal as possible.
"Yeah sweetie?"
"I don't know how to say this."
She moves off of my lap which makes me sad.
"I- I saw Gale yesterday." Hearing that name gets my attention. I take a deep breath and try to stay as calm as possible.
"Really? How is he?" I try not to show to much frustration in my voice.
"He kissed me!" She blurts out. I jump out and I can see the corners of my eyes blackening cause of the adrenaline. I don't wait to see her reaction, I just storm out the door. I stand on the step trying to clear my vision. When I did, I sprint to the Seam. That's the first place I can think of Gale being. I was right, I see him standing there reading some squirrels. I walk up behind him and wait to see if he notices me. He hasn't so I tap him on the shoulder. As he turns around, I socked him right in the jaw. That knocked him on the ground because he wasn't expecting it. He stands right back up, but better prepared with his feet set.

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