Chapter 9

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THG Fanfic chapter 17
Peeta's POV

"What the heck!" Gale shouts at me. "Peeta, what are you doing?"
"Stay away from Katniss!" I shoutand then kick him right in the chest. I guess he underestimated my strength because he went flying back on the ground. My adrenaline is starting to go down and I finally start to notice that there is a circle of people watching my every move. I can't believe I just did that in front of the people who look up to me. I walk out of the circle and starting running to my house.
Right as I get to the entrance of the Victors Village I remember I left Katniss at my house. I just decide to go to the meadow and think. Will Katniss be mad that I beat up Gale in front of everyone that looked up to us. I hope not. Even if she does, I don't think she will get that mad at me because she said she missed me a whole lot. I hope she won't want to leave me. I can't loose her, not again.
I don't know how long I've been sitting here, but I hear someone walking up behind me. I turn around to see Katniss. She comes and sits right next to me. I put my arm around her. I can tell she is comfortable because she scoots close until out legs are touching. It stays silent for awhile. I kiss her on top of her head, then she asks me,
"Are you okay? As soon as I told you what Gale did, you left really quick."
"I'm fine, I could just tell that it was really bothering you and I can't stand seeing you upset. I do have something to tell you."
She could hear by the roughness in my voice something was wrong. She started to look worried.
"What is it?"
"I'm sure you figured out that I went looking for Gale."
"Yeah I did."
"Well... I found him in the Seam trading some squirrels. I walked up behind him to see if he noticed me. He didn't, so I tapped him on the shoulder. When he turned around I socked him right in the jaw."
"How hard?" "It knocked him right on the ground. Then there yelling and more fighting. That's when I saw everyone circled around. I was so embarrassed I just left."
Katniss takes a deep breathe and asks, "Did he hurt you?"
"No, he didn't even get a chance to touch me."
"Okay, that's good. As long as he didn't hurt you." She is taking this a lot better than I thought.

Katniss' POV

Peeta looks surprised the way in taking this. I don't care if Peeta hurt Gale, as long as Gale didn't hurt Peeta. I turn my head towards Peeta to see he is already looking at me. I give him what was suppose to be just a peck on the lips. When I pull back he pulls me back for more. I love these passionate kisses. It always makes me want more. I pull back and put my hands on his cheeks and whisper "I don't want to move to quick." "Okay." He whispers back.
I'm glad I have someone who understands me. I want to make sure I'm doing what's best for my future.
"Want to go swimming?" Peeta asks. I was in such a deep thought, it startled me when I heard his voice.
"Yeah, that would be fun. But we don't have our swimming suits."
"We don't need them." I don't argue. We start to make our way towards the pond. When I see it, I start running for it. I can hear Peeta right behind me. I'm about 30 feet away when I start to slow down. Peeta is still running really fast. He runs up right behind me, picks me up a I'm jogging and jumps in the pond. The water feels wonderful.
"So I see you have improved on swimming since the last time we were in water together." I say sarcastically.
"Yeah, I guess I have. But you are still really bad at anticipating things." He dunks me me under the water and comes under with me to kiss me on the lips. Since we are under water it was like 5 seconds before we came above the water for air.
"I love you Peeta."
"I love you Katniss." We hang out at the pond for a few more hours then we head back to my place to take a nap. When I woke up I was in my room, but Peeta wasn't. I start to panic and scream for him.
"Peeta! Peeta! Peeta!" I hear someone running up the steps and soon Peeta is right by my side.
"What's the matter?"
"Oh my gosh, Peeta! I didn't know where you were, I was so worried! So many things were going though my mind. I thought something might of happened to you. I love you so much Peeta!" I cry.
"You're okay. I brought you up here so you would be more comfortable. I was just making dinner. Why don't come downstairs with me."
"Okay." He can tell I'm still shook up so he carries me downstairs bridal style. He sets me on the counter and goes back to what he was doing. He seems to have dinner all ready so I get up to help him move everything to the dining room table. We take a seat across from each other and Peeta being the kind gentleman he always is. Hemakes me a plate. He had made squirrel, mashed potatoes, gravy, peas, and of course bread. "This looks delicious!"
"Thanks. I was hoping you would like this." When we finish eating we just cuddle and make small talk the rest of the night.

Peeta's POV

As the months came and passed, Katniss and I grew closer and closer together. I've been in district 12 for 8 months and been with Katniss for 7 wonderful months. They have been the best 7 months of my life. We are finally getting to know each other a lot better. The best part is that there is no cameras, games, or President Snow pressuring us in any way.

We haven't live a perfect 7 months. We've had our ups and downs. Nights filled with screams, nightmares, and no sleep. Days we fight over stupid things, but realize how stupid it actually is so then we make up. This has been our lives for the past 3 years. It has worked for us through 2 games and a war.

Today Katniss asked me if I would teach her some baking skills and in exchange she's going to show me some hunting skills. I think it will be fun. We decided to go hunting first. I think it went well once I kept quiet. I did kill a squirrel. Katniss had to show by killing 2 squirrels with 1 arrow. We left after that because she was really eager to start baking.

She goes to her house first to change out of her hunting clothes as I do the same. I put on a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt. As I'm walking downstairs, the front door opens and Katniss shouts
"I'm start whenever you are!" She is wearing a black tank top and ripped jean shorts. I can tell she is really excited.
"Okay, let's get everything set up. First off, what did you want to bake?"
"Well cookies it is." As I'm showing her what and how to do each step, she is mainly staring at me.
"Are you ready to out the cookies in the oven?" I startle her out of her daze.
"Hmm. Oh, yeah I am."
I giggle because she is so adorable. We start rolling the dough in little balls. Mine are all a consistent size because I've done this so many times. Katniss' on the other hand are all different sizes.
"Here, let me help you." I go behind her and take some dough, put it in her hand and we roll it together. We do this until all of the dough is rolled, on the pan and into the oven. "That was fun? Thank you for helping me with the dough."
"Anything for you, beautiful." Of course she blushes. She always blushes when I give her a compliment. The cookies where done before we knew it.
"Mmm, I make some darn good cookies for it being my first time."
"You are such a credit taker." I say while laughing.

All of the sudden, I feel dizzy. I grab the counter and start taking deep breathes.
"Peeta? Peeta, what is the matter?" I can tell Katniss is getting concerned. She is just standing here rubbing my back. Before I could stop myself, I feel my hands on Katniss'...

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