Chapter 22

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Peeta POV

*2 days later*
I wake up, but can can barely move. I open my eyes, but my vision is all a blur.
"Katniss." I manage to croak out. "Good afternoon Peeta." Michelle says walking in my cell, then shuts the door. I manage to sit up and use the wall to support me. That helps my vision some so I can somewhat focus on Michelle. She has such a devious smile.
"What happened?" I can't remember how I got here. The last thing I remember is Michelle and I having dinner.
"You didn't want to cooperate with me, so I had to punish you."
"Where's Katniss?"
"Right over there." I look over at the cell next to mine. There's Katniss, in the cell next to me. She's in chains again, still looks the same; all covered in bruises, but she is awake. She looks somewhat relieved. I wonder why though. When Michelle isn't looking, she mouthes; I'm okay. I slightly nod, not wanting Michelle to notice. I look back up at Michelle.
"You said you were going to take her to the hospital."
"She didn't need to go."
"Yes she did, she still does."
"She's awake, you should be happy." I look down.
"I'll be back later to make sure you are still here." She walks out of the room. I push myself closer to the corner of my cell, hold my hand out. She takes it and I just feel better. I look at her and she looks at me.
"I love you." I say.
"I love you, too. Who is she?" "Michelle?"
"She is the one who did my suit measurements. I was suspicious of her since I had first met her. She came over on, um..."
It takes me a few minutes, but Katniss just sits there patiently.
"It was Friday. So Friday she came over to give me the suits. I thought that was the end, but she slipped in my house and tried to talk with me. That's when that man got you. She rushed out and took off with you. I thought I had lost you." I say the last part quietly.
"I did everything I could to get that man off of me, but as soon as they put me in that van... They started beating me."
"I am sorry. I wish it would of been me, instead of you."
"It was you also. After you took place, they threw me in this cell. It was a few hours before I woke up. It wasn't how I wanted to wake up, they were beating you." She has tears in her eyes.
"I told you when we first go back together that I would fight to the end of the earth to get back to you, right?" She nods and slightly squeezes my hand.
"I have a plan to get us out of here, but we have to get it set up before Michelle comes back." I say quietly.
"I still have my walkie talkie. Johanna and Gale came with me to help. We can contact them, telling them where we are."
"Okay, but how are they going to get us out?"
"I guess they'll have to sneak in." "Alright." She yawns a little and is fighting to keep your eyes open.
"Go to sleep. I'll be right here the whole time." "Okay." She closes her eyes and falls asleep.
While she is asleep, I contact Gale and Johanna. We come up with a plan on how they can get in here. They say will come at 1 in the morning. Katniss wakes up at midnight. I tell her everything that has happened and everything that will. Soon enough 1 o'clock comes around, but they aren't here.
"I thought you said they would be here?"
"They will, don't worry."

Johanna's POV

We get to the building at 12:45. Gale got a map of the whole building. It seems there is a venting system that leads all the way to the cells. The map also shows where the security cameras and guards are.
"You got the guns, right?" He asks.
"Of course. They're right here. Now let's get this over with."
"Alright." We quietly walk in the building with our guns loaded and ready to shoot, but we don't see any guards.
"That's strange.. I thought there were suppose to be guards up here."
"Let's just find the vent and not worry about that."
"Alright." We go to the northwest part of the building and find a vent. I take his gun and put both of them in my waist line. Gale gives me a leg up and then I pull him up. We slowly get through the vents. I punch the vent cover making it fall to the ground making a loud crash. I hear some guards run over to Peeta and Katniss and yell at them. I pull my gun out of my waist line and shoot all five of the guards.
"Johanna?" I hear Katniss faintly say. I hop out of the vent, grab the keys off the hook to me left and unlock both of their cells. I slowly open Katniss cell. Gale hops out of the vent quietly and goes into Peeta's cell. We help them up and get them into the vent. Just as Gale is lifting me in into the vent, I hear someone walking in the halls and towards this room.
"Gale we have to go in the cells. I hear someone coming." He sets me down and we rush in, shut the doors, and lay down in either cell. As this peculiar woman walks in the room and towards us, I pull my hood over so she won't notice that Katniss is gone. Gale does the same. She slowly walks towards us. Suddenly there is a rattle of metal against the floor. I stay as still as possible.
"How on earth did this fall?" She turns around to a guard.
"I want this vent fixed immediately." She says firmly.
"Yes ma'am." The guard picks up the vent cover and walks out. I hear her shoes on the floor getting closer to us. "Hello Katniss. Hello Peeta. Are you asleep?"
Neither of us move an inch.
"I guess you are. I'll be back in a little bit to make sure you don't go anywhere." She has an evil tone in her voice. I listen as her heals click all the way out of the room. I sit up after the door shuts.
"Come on." I stand up and go by the vent. Gale lifts me up and then I take his hand and help him up. This is a big vent, because we can sit up straight. "Thanks guys." Peeta says with his voice scratchy.
"It was nothing. We're just glad to see you alive. Since we hadn't heard from you in a few days."
"It's been really rough, but we're okay now." Peeta's voice is still scratchy. I look over at Katniss, she looks as if she about to pass out.
"Come on, we need to get out of here before we get caught." Gale says. "You're right." Katniss is in front and is moving really slow. It takes us almost an hour to get out. We get out of the building with no trouble.
"Katniss, are you feeling okay?" I ask. "Yeah, just getting dizzy."
"Want me to carry you?" Gale asks. I feel tense after he asks that. I know Gale and Katniss don't talk much, but I know they do have a past together.
"No, I'm fine."
"Katniss, I think you should let him." Peeta speaks up. He looks at her and that makes her cave.

Peeta's POV

With as many differences Gale and I have, I want what's best for Katniss. I'm not strong enough now to carry her for a long period. He picks her up and we continue walking.
"Johanna, where is the closest hospital?" I ask.
"District 7."
"Alright." We go to the train station and take the next one to District 7. We get to the hospital quickly. They take Katniss in and and do a short surgery. They wouldn't tell us what it was for, but they said it was for the best.
A few hours later, they come in the waiting room.
"Peeta, the surgery went as expected. She is fine, but will be asleep for a few days. You can go visit her now." "Okay." We go in there. I sit on the edge of her bed. Gale and Johanna pull up two chairs next to the bed and sits down. I take her hand and hold it tight. "This is fair. She didn't do anything to deserve this."
"Peeta, don't beat yourself up. This isn't your fault." Johanna says.

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