Chapter 13

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Peeta's POV

As the heart monitor slows down even more, so do all of the other medical equipment in the room. I'm loosing her I think to myself. My head starts pounding. The lights flicker.
"Katniss no! Please don't leave me!" I cry.
I run out the door yelling for someone to help Katniss. The lights flicker out here too. I run back in the room to check on her, but she seem fine... For now at least.
I go back out and see I nurse. I practically drag her in the room. "Please do something. I think her heart stopped!"
I have tears streaming down my face onto my shirt. I can't seem to think straight. "
Sir! Sir, please calm down. We are having a power outage. She is fine, just resting."
I feel like an idiot for the way I reacted. "Oh... I'm sorry."
"It's fine." The nurse giggles and leaves the room.
"Man, I hate hospitals." I mumble.
An hour later the power turns back on.

Katniss' POV

I wake up in an unknown place. The room is all white. My vision is blurry. I slowly look around the room trying to figure out where I am.
"Katniss?" I can tell by the sound of his voice that it's Peeta. I try replying, but nothing comes out.
"Katniss, what's wrong?" He sounds worried.
I tap my throat trying to say that my voice is hoarse.
"It's okay. I'll be right back. I'm going to go get a doctor and let him know that you are awake." I nod my head and try to smile, but fail. He kisses my forehead and leaves the room. While he is gone I try and figure out why in a hospital. The last thing I can recall is Peeta and I having a flour fight. The rest is a blur. Peeta walks back in with a doctor. My vision isn't completely clear, but it's clear for the most part. "How are you feeling Ms. Everdeen?"
"I think she lost her voice. That's what I wanted you to check."
"Katniss, open your mouth as wide as you can."
I do as I'm told even though it hurts a lot.
"Hmm... Katniss, besides your throat, what else hurts?" I point to my head. "Okay. Well, umm. Mr. Mellark can I talk to you alone in the hallway?" "Yeah."
I shake my head no. I don't want Peeta to leave me. Tears start to fill my eyes. "It's okay. I'll be just outside the door. It will be just a minute." He whispers. Once the door shuts, my hot tears roll down my face.

Peeta's POV

The doctor leads me out of Katniss' room.
"Is something wrong? Why did she even pass out in the first place?" "Before I answer those questions for you. What were you two doing before she passed out?"
"We were making pancakes. She asked to add the flour, so I let her. Instead of dumping it in the bowl she dumped it on my head. I threw flour back at her and we broke into a flour fight. After just a few minutes of throwing flour at each other she screamed and passed out on the floor."
"Did anything happen the night before?" "Yeah she woke up screaming from another one of her nightmares.
She was screaming so loud that I heard all the way across the Victors Village in my house." "Victors Village? Ohhh... You are Peeta Mellark and Katniss Everdeen right?"
"Yes that's correct. So do you know why she lost her voice and has a headache?" "Does she get these nightmares often?" "Almost every night."
"That's why she lost her voice. She has been putting to much stress on her vocal chords that now they need to rest. She has what is called laryngitis. Now for the headache, I'm not sure of the cause for them, but I will give her some medication that should help."
"Alright, thank you." "The medicine will be brought into you in a little while."
"Fine. When can we leave?"
"After you sign the release papers and get the medicine." "Okay, thank you again for everything." I go back into Katniss' room. Her face is bright red and wet.
"Hey Katniss." I say softly. She looks at me and and tries to put on a fake smile. She pats a space on her bed, indicating for me to sit by her. I do just that.
"The doctor says you have laryngitis." She frowns.
"Here is the good news though. Once a nurse brings in your medicine and release papers, we can leave." She has a confused smile.
"The medicine is for your headaches. While we wait for you're medicine, I'll gather our things up." She slightly nods in agreement, then falls asleep. It only takes a few minutes to get our things together. As I finish, the nurse walks in with the medicine and release papers. I sign the papers and take the medicine. "Oh sir, makes sure she only takes one pill a day, everyday. If she has any side effects or if the medicine doesn't seem to be working, please contact us right away."
"Okay." The nurse leaves. I help Katniss out of bed and out to the car. I put our bag in the back seat. Then put Katniss in the passenger seat. I close her door, walk to my side, start the car and drive back. It's only a 5 minute drive, but with the silence it seems longer. Eventually we pull into the Victors Village. I help Katniss into the house. It looks exactly the way we left it. The kitchen is still a mess. I lead Katniss in the kitchen so I can clean it up. She takes a seat at the island and watches me with a smile as I clean. Just as I finish, Katniss walks over to the cupboard and grabs a coffee cup and a tea pot out.
"What are you doing silly?" She doesn't react, just keeps doing whatever it is that she is doing. She fills the pot with water and puts it on the stove.
"I got it from here. You need to sit down and relax."
She frowns and takes her seat back at the island. I turn the stove on. I go over on the opposite side of the counter from Katniss.
"Well I was thinking, after being in the hospital all that time, you might want to go to the meadow after you finish your tea?"
She nods her head yes excitedly. She gets up quickly and goes straight for the front door. I run after her. I grab her shoulder to turn her around.
"Hey! Where do you think you are going missy?" She points out the window towards the meadow.
"No, you have to drink your tea first." She puts a pouty face on, crosses her arms, and turns away from me. I snicker. Even when she can't talk , she still makes sure her voice is heard.
"You know I'm not buying it it." She huffs and stomps her foot.
"If you really want to go right now, you have to give me a kiss."
She turns around really quick, gives me a quick peck and rushes out the door. I really don't know how to handle her. I run after her, all the way into the meadow. She is making this a game of tag. She is very quick, but so am I. As so as she is in reach, I wrap my arms around her.
"Got you! Now I really don't count what you gave me back at the house a kiss. Can I have a real one now that we are in the meadow?"
Without a nod of yes or no, she just kisses me. I feel the sparks. It it's amazing. It's only a few seconds, but it's still amazing.
"Thank you." She smiles and I can see her start to blush. We spend the rest of the afternoon and into the evening, in the meadow, just picking flowers, looking at the shaped of clouds, and in the evening star gazing.
"You know, I truly love you right?" I whisper into Katniss' hair. She is laying on my chest. She looks up at me and nods yes. I lean down and kiss her.

It isn't until late that we head back to her house. She takes a shower and then I take one. I come out in my pajamas and see her wearing a spaghetti tank top and shorts.
"Ready to go to sleep?" I miss hearing hear voice. We lay down, her in my arms. She falls asleep quickly, and I fall asleep right after.

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