Chapter 1: Just Another Day

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"Bucccckkyyyyy!" I whined as I laid on the floor like a starfish, covered in sweat from my workout. I heard him chuckle. I pouted as I looked over to him. He raised an eyebrow at me. "I'm booooooorreddddd!" I stared at the ceiling.

"Mm, I haven't noticed. Go shower, jeez kid. You smell awful." I glared at him. He sometimes forgets he can shower, he's used to not having the freedom to do that or pretty much anything, but he's getting better. I stood up and moved to the hallway.

We are currently in St. Charles Missouri. It's where I'm from. I came to visit my mom. I never visited her yet. Bucky said it's my turn to heal.

We've been to Brooklyn. Chicago and London because we were just trying to get away from the police.

And we've been to Russia and Romania too. We just go to where ever I teleport. It's easier then dealing with airports.

I think they find us because of me.

My Dad did mention I have a little radiation coming off of me. It's not armful, but still detectable.

We've been just going around the world. We might go back to Romania next.

I hopped in the small shower and washed the sweat off. I closed my eyes as I felt myself relax. Another 10 minutes passed before I got out.

I got dressed in a black tank top and grey sweatpants.

I walked out the bathroom and into the living room. I notice Bucky sitting at the table writing in his journal. I laid on the couch, my wet hair wrapped in a towel.

"How the hell can you do that? I don't get it!" I heard Bucky exclaim. I looked over to him. He was staring at the towel on my head with a look of disbelief.

"Practice. If you kept on doing it, maybe you could learn." I smirked as I remember he had his hair in a towel. He wouldn't bend over to grab anything or lean back in a chair. I tried to make him do things just to see him struggle. He gave up after 15 minutes, which is longer than I expected.

"Bullshit." Bucky grumbled to himself as he continues on writing. I smiled as I closed my eyes, my arms and legs starting to hurt for my workout.

"Let's start the session early." Bucky suggested as he stood above me. I woke up and glanced up at him. He wore a dark blue hoodie with black joggers. His metal arm hiding, but you could see his hand. His long hair put back in a half up, half down bun. A strand of hair falling into his face.

I smiled softly up at him as I watched him eat a plum. I rubbed my eyes and moaned as I stretched my sore body.

"Sure. It's better than just sleeping and watching you eat plums all day." I mentioned to the bag of plums on the table. He rolled his eyes. "How can you eat those things? I just can't eat them."

"You're missing out. Plums are delicious." Bucky made a chewed his plum loudly in my face. I pushed his face out of the way. He chuckled. I sat up to give him a place to sit. He plopped down next to me.

"How was your run? Did my magic stay this time?" I asked Bucky as he eat up his plum. He nodded.

"It's was good, feels nice to be able to have more space and freedom to run. And as for your magic, yes. I looked like a completely different person the whole run... to be honest, I think last time it didn't work is because you feel asleep." Bucky gave me a pointed look. I scoffed.

"I was not sleeping! I got up and did the workout." I defended myself. Every day, Bucky and I switch running and workout. Today I worked out and Bucky ran, tomorrow I will go for a run and Bucky will workout.

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