Chapter 19: Sokovia

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Everyone has a job. The main one is to evacuate everyone from Sokovia as fast as possible. Steve's speeches always make me feel inspired. It feels so good to hear them again. That speech Steve made back in Washington D.C. made me feel some type of way.

Wanda has the power to control minds! That is so cool! I can see her mist flying around. I'm honestly amazed. Loki's with Thor trying to find Natasha, same with Bruce. I hope Nat's alright. Bucky and Steve are on the bridge. Clint is on look out and still helping others. Dad's talking to Ultron right now. I'm flying above, guiding people toward the bridge. I landed beside a group of civilians. They looked frightened and confused.

"W-what's going into!?" A woman exclaimed as she held her baby.

"There's no time to explain, but what you do need to know that it's not safe here. Just get away from the city as fast as you can!" I yelled to the group. They scrambled away towards the bridge.


"Holy shit!" I exclaimed when I notice robots bursting from the ground. I heard someone chuckle quietly on the comms.


"Shut it Stark. Now's not the time." Steve's voice spoke up. The robots started firing around at civilians. I shot down boots as I flew around. Dad flying past me taking some out. I gasped when I was shot in the back. I turned around and blasted the stupid robot. My left hand of the armour disappeared into the suit, giving my access to me magic. I used make about 2 dozens of me. They used magic to get rid of the robots. It's great that I can be omnipresent. I put the hand back on and continued taking out the ones in the sky.

I stopped as I stared at the ground before me. It's moving... up...?

"What the..." I shook my head and flew to the edge of the land that was moving. I noticed people on the edge, hanging on. I took off the detachable hands of my suit and put them on the hook on my waist. I used my magic to move them to still land. I continued around the edges, helping anyone I find, taking robots out on the way. I finished going around, but by this time, the piece of land as gone higher up. I looked down to the ground... what is Ultron doing?

"Do you see the beauty of it? The inevitability. You rise, only to fall. You, Avengers, you are my meteor. My swift and terrible sword. And the earth will crack with the weight of your failure. Purge me from your computers, turn my own flesh against me. It means nothing. When the dust settles, the only thing living in this world... will be metal." A deep voice spoke from every robot. Ultron I presume. I clenched my fists. A meteor. He's making his own meteor.

"Dad?" I spoke through our separate comm. I blasted magic at robots left and right. "F.R.I.D.A.Y."

"Right now, the impact will kill thousands. Once it gets high enough? Global extinction." The female A.I. said. I felt my heart drop. I flew to the bridge where Steve and Bucky were. Civilians running everywhere while robots fired aimlessly. I winced when I saw Steve get bodied by a robot.

"Rogers, you got incoming." Dad stayed on the comms. I laughed at the delay.

"Incoming already came in." Steve voiced with hints of pain. "Stark you worry about bringing the city back down safely. The rest of us have one job, tear these things apart. You get hurt, hurt them back. You get killed... walk it off."

"Easier said then done, Rogers." I chuckled. I couldn't help, but peek at the ground beneath the floating rock. What about the people directly under this piece of floating land? What happens if this pile of rock doesn't make it down gently? I shook my head. Continuing to take the robots out. How many are there?! I know all my copies were gone. I don't really think I'm as good in the suit as I used to be. I landed on the ground and stepped out. "Take it home F.R.I.D.A.Y."

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