Chapter 3: Surprise

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"Okay, I'm going now. Try to stay hidden. I don't want to come back and have to escape jail or something with you." I informed Bucky. We are currently in Constanța, Romania. It's nice. I enjoy it and so does Bucky.It's fun to be able to create illusions. I looked in the mirror by the door. I had on some black skinny jeans with a dark blue t-shirt and a black leather jacket over it. I guess I really like dark colours. I can't help it.

"Yes I know, Hope. Just go have fun. I know I'm holding you back." Bucky whispered at last sentence before waving me off. I stopped suddenly. I slowly turned to him. He was flipping through the TV. I walked up to him. I stood in front of him. I guess he realized his mistakes because of the face he was making.

"What did you say?" I spoke slowly.

"I said have a wonderful time and bring me back something nice. Asgard sounds like a wonderful place." He smiled innocently. I glared down at him.

"You don't hold me back Bucky. I love staying with you. It's a lot better than being alone. Don't think for one second I would rather be anywhere else." I pointed in his face.

"But you do. You want to be home with family. I hear you cry at night sometimes. I have advanced hearing ya know. I can't stand it hearing you cry. And knowing your crying because your stuck with me." His eyes squinted at me. Half of his words true.

"Your right, I miss my family, but I would rather be in hiding with you and helping you remember than being harassed and locked up by the government. Staying with the Avengers definitely wouldn't do much. You are my family too remember. We stick together. I promised I wouldn't leave you behind, I plan to stick to the promise. I'm here to take care of you just like you did to me. James Buchanan Barnes, you are my brother and I'm here to stay. You understand me?" I leaned toward him. My hand on the arm rests. I stared into his eyes with honesty and confidence. He was all the way back, sinking into his chair as he stared back. His eyes holding a bit of fear and disbelief.

"Loud and clear." He nodded and I smirked at him. I stood up and opened my arms.

"Now give me a hug. I'm leaving. To me it will be like a day, to you probably 2." I told him. His eyes widened slightly and gave me a hug. "Time is different up there. It's weird." I told him and pulled away. He nodded with a smirk.

"If I need to go up there and kick ass, I will. Just because he's a god doesn't mean I can't hurt him." He warned to me. I laughed and nodded.

"I would like to see that. I can take him easily. I already fought Thor and won." I bragged as I walked to the door.

"Really? How in the hell did you do that?" I heard Bucky's voice. I made myself look like a completely new person. I looked back at Bucky.

"We fought for fun. I challenged him and crushed him. Not literally, but he says it was a tie. I just let it slip." I chuckled and waved to him. "I'll see you in 2 days."

"2 days... and no funny business!" He yelled as I closed the door. I chuckled and walked towards the car.


I stood in a field. There was no building or car insight. I looked up to the sky. My disguises was gone. I hope Thor wasn't lying.

"Heimdall?!" I called out like an idiot. After a moment, there was no sign of the BiFrost. I called again. "Heimdall!?"

The BiFrost surrounded me and I was flying through a rainbow tunnel. I looked around at the shiny walls. Damn! Suddenly I landed on my feet. I landed more swiftly than the first time. I froze as I noticed the man holding the sword. It was a short bald man. Tattoos on his head. His armour silver.

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