Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2

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I grabbed Bucky's arm and twisted it. He grunted in pain. I flipped him over and he landed on his back. He quickly recovered before I could make another move. He smirked at me. I know this dick is going easy on me.

"Is that all you got?" He wiggles his fingers, waving me to get closer. I glared and made blue mist appear and dance around my palm.

"Hope!" Steve warned from the side lines. I glanced at him with a squint. Bad idea.

Bucky flipped my over his arm and pinned my roughly to the ground. I landed with an 'oof'. Bucky smirked down at me.

"Nice try Spaghetti arms." He laughed. I glared. I spun around and used my feet to knock him on his ass. I placed a knee on his chest and made a ball of flame appear in his face. He went cross eyed as he stared at the ball right in front of his face.

"What did you say?" It was my turn to smirk.

"Yes! Let's go Hope!" Sam cheered from the side lines. I stood up and held my hand to Bucky. Bucky glared at the cheering Sam.

"Shut it Wilson." Bucky sneered. Sam smirked at him.

"You had no chance. I knew she was going to win."

"I actually pinned her first." Bucky walked over to Sam and Steve. Wanda, Pietro, and Natasha standing on the other side of the mat. Vision is... somewhere in the building. Rhodey is on a mission. He's lucky. He gets mission more often then any of us.

"Cap said fight until you have your opponent in a position they most likely won't get back up from. She did that." Sam clarified to the metal armed man. Before Bucky could reply, Steve interrupted him.

"Will you two knock it off?" Steve scolded the two like they were children. They glared at each other, but nodded and kept quiet.

"And I thought Pietro and Wanda were bad." I sat down on the bench.

"Hey!" Wanda exclaimed with an offended look. Pietro smirked at me.

"I heard you like bad boys." I rolled my eyes at the Maximoff twin.

"You ain't bad Pietro."

"I can be." He opened his arms with a smirk. "I can show you how bad I can be—."

"Hey, hey!" Bucky exclaimed. I noticed the glare Bucky and Steve gave him. Pietro ignored them and winked at me. I scoffed at his usual antics. Wanda hit him upside the head. Pietro glared at her.

"She's has a boyfriend, and he's a god. I'm pretty sure you would be a downgrade Pietro." Wanda told him. I smirked at my favourite Maximoff.

"I love you Wanda." I made a heart with me fingers. She smiled. Pietro looked at me with an offended look. I smirked at him.

I looked over to Sam and Bucky who were standing next to each other, glaring because Steve told them to shut up. They would probably be talking shit to each other if Steve didn't say anything. Bucky and Sam have been so annoying. They just don't like each other. I mean they do, but they won't admit it. Sam is not over the whole Winter Soldier thing and Bucky... well he's just being petty.

"Who's next?" Steve asked. We all glanced at each other. We've been here for 2 hours now. We don't want to do this anymore.

"Can we have a break?" Steve raised an eyebrow at me. "I mean, we've been training for 4 hours and now we've been fighting for 2. My arms are killing me." My arms went limp to my sides. Everyone started to overdramatize their tiredness. Wanda leaned on Pietro who ended up falling too. They pretended to fall asleep on the spot. Natasha limped to the bench and practically fell on it. She laid her arm over her face and her other arm hung off the side of the bench. Bucky and Sam fall back onto their chairs. Sam started fanning himself and Bucky faked falling asleep.

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