Chapter 47: Decision

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I laid on the couch, looking up at the ceiling. My arm was under my head and I threw up a ball of mist. It fell back down to me and I caught it, repeating the action over and over.

Signing the Accords (pros):
1. I would be able to help the Avengers on missions and still help with my magic.
2. I would be given a nice house and people will deliver groceries and stuff like that.
3. I'm not taken away from my family entirely.
4. I won't be locked away... somewhat.

1. I will be living away from my family, only given 24 hours of visitation every week.
2. Used for my powers, again.
3. Not help as much as I want to.
4. Not given the chance to let out my magic fully. We all know what happened last time I kept it all in.
5. Limited contact. I can only talk to people I already know and I have been in contact with for a while. Family and friends.

Not signing the Accords (pros):
1. Is there any?
2. I'll be locked away and I can't think of any pros.
3. Maybe if I keep going I'll think of something.
4. I can just tell them everything and show them my memories... for me and Bucky?
5. I can prove to them that we weren't in our right minds while with HYDRA and we are innocent.
6. I won't be used for my powers again.

1. I'll be kept in confinement until my sentence or whatever is determined.
2. I will be taken from my family.
3. I won't be able to help the Avengers at all.
4. I'm not on the good side of any country at the moment. Who knows what they'll sentence me to.

Judging by this deal, I can't help but think the sentence I would be given would be a little harsh. I don't want to be used for my powers, but I don't want to be locked away from the world.

There are more cons for both than pros.

My head keeps telling me that I have to sign. I can gain their trust back and hopefully they'll see that I'm not dangerous. I can control myself, my powers.

But my heart is telling me not to. I don't want to be locked up, but I also don't want to be used for my powers.

I didn't want this... I didn't want any of this... but it was meant to happen sooner or later.

With the Sokovia Accords, I agree with both sides. I have three days to choose. How am I supposed—.

"Oh no..." I sat up and placed my head in my hands. My eyes stared wide at the ground as I rubbed my headache.

Steve and Dad... I remember the vision. On Asgard, the Enchanted Pool. They were fighting. This is it. It's gonna happen.... I have to choose.


Don't think about them. What do I want?

Maybe... maybe I can take my chances at court or something. I can convince them that Bucky and I are not guilty. I can show them my memories.

If I sign, I won't be free. Maybe have a little more freedom than not signing, but it won't be the same. I'm only allowed to leave my house for missions. It's like they want to use my powers. I won't get to live my life.

Would I be allowed to visit Loki? Would they even let Loki see me after what he did in New York? Would they let me go to Asgard? I highly doubt they'll let me go to another planet if I can't even leave my house.

I... I think I would rather be locked away in a cell than be used for my powers. If I didn't have these powers, I bet they wouldn't even had made this deal.

They know what I can do, what I'm capable of doing. I've seen the footage, they seen it too.

"Sweetheart...?" I moved my hands to see Dad walking towards me. I looked at his face, but all I can see is him laying on the ground, hurt.

" know I love you right..." I stared at him, knowing where this all might end. Steve's not going to sign... I know him. And he's not going to retire, that's probably why they fight. I don't want to be used... and I don't want to be punished for something I had no control over.

"Yeah, and I love you too." He sat beside me. I stared at the man who helped me become the person I am today. "... Hope. We don't talk as much as we used to. We used to be so close. I don't even know what you've been up to the past 2 years. Please... talk to me." Dad pleaded in desperation.

"... code yellow..." I finally let out the sob I was holding in. Dad's face fell as he grabbed me, holding me close to him... just like he used to.

He ran a hand over my hair as he kept mumbling sweet nothings. Telling me everything will be okay. We'll get through it. I wrapped my arms around him, scared of what's next.

My family is going to break apart and I don't think I can fix it. I don't want them to fight. I hope to god it's not going to happen! That it was just one possibility.

"I'm so sorry, Dad." I cried into his chest, my face touching his arc reactor. "I don't want to lose you... but I-I don't want to be used again..."

I'm not signing... Funny how there are literally no pros to not signing and I'm still choosing not to. I just... feel like it a the right thing to do. Trust my gut... just as I always do.

"Hope." Dad pulled away and looked at me. He held both my shoulders and stared at my eyes. "You are going to sign... right?" He asked slowly, as if saying it slower would change my mind.

I just stared at him. My face wet from my tears. His face hardened. His eyes seem to become distant. He let go of my and stood up.

I watched him walk away... he's walking away...

"Dad... Dad!" I called out to him, standing from the couch. He stopped and looked back at me. I could see the tears forming in his eyes... he looked... scared... and angry.

"I-I'm sorry too." He turned again and kept walking. I stood in complete disbelief and hurt as the door closed behind him.

D-Did I fuck up? Did I choose wrong? Is he going to hate me? Oh god... he's going to hate me...

I put my hand on my head as I stared at the door. My heart broken.

This is my decision... can't Dad accept it? Is it selfish? Am I being selfish? I'm choosing what I want. I'm choosing what I believe I should do... but I may lose my family in the process.

"I love you..." I said in his direction as if he were still there. I felt a tear roll down my face. I sniffled and wiped it away.

I looked down to my hands. I made them light up a little, but the light died out.

I shook my head and made a portal. The blue cloud swirled in front of me. I hugged myself as I stared at it.

I froze when I noticed someone from the corner of my eyes. I blinked away the tears so I could see who it was.

Natasha stood a little ways away. Her arms crossed as she stared at me. She had a soft, sad expression. She heard everything. She seen my dad walk out.

I looked away from her and walked into the portal, to find a snoring Bucky. I stared at his sleeping figure. I smiled weakly at how he was laying. He's really going to have a sore back.

Why was he in the vision? What happens next?

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