Chapter 18: Friends

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Everyone is suiting up and getting ready for Sokovia. Dad showed me some new suits that he made for me. Similar to my normal one, but they had different features on them. One was kinda like a stealth suit. Skin tight, gave me more room to move. It was black and blue. Its fire proof. It's so cool how he made all my suits fire proof!

Since J.A.R.V.I.S. isn't active anymore, Dad is using another A.I. I think he's using F.R.I.D.A.Y. It stands for, female replacement intelligent digital assistant youth. It's going to be weird not hearing J.A.R.V.I.S. while using the suits.

Dad said he was almost done with the nanotech suits. He said it'll be easier than having to wait for the suit to fly in. I honestly can't wait for them. I've seen what he's got so far, and he's almost there.

I decided on Mark iw-12. It's just like the Mark iw-01, but has more weapons and fit better. It's blasters and jets, basically everything is updated and improved. I have nine suits in total, Mark iw-12 is the newest one. I put in on the quinjet and walked back to the others. I stopped at a door when I saw Pietro and Wanda inside. Pietro was looking around at the items to choose from and Wanda seemed to be looking at something not in the room. I peeked around the lockers and noticed Thor and Loki talking to Vision. She feels the connection too. Mines probably not as strong as hers though. Most of my power is from the Space Stone. I was going to check on Bucky, but Steve's with him. I knocked on the door lightly. Pietro took a step in front of Wanda, blocking her body from me. He's protective, really protective.

"Just wanted to see how you guys are doing. You find everything alright?" They were in the gym locker room. It's where they keep extra gym clothes and suits.

"Yes. This will work fine." Wanda smiled with a nod. I nodded.

"If you guys need anything, I'm sure I can help. I probably know this place better then anyone." I chuckled. Pietro just nodded. It's not like I could forget. I remembered that I put secret passageways throughout the building. I always wanted them, but I haven't used them yet. They're probably filled with cobwebs and dust. I made sure to not let Dad or anyone who is here often to know. Only the workers who helped build do. J.A.R.V.I.S. really helped a lot. He was my partner in crime against my Dad. I started out the door.

"Hey Hope. Can I talk to you?" I stopped and looked into the room. I raised an eyebrow. I nodded, already assuming what the conversation might be about.

"Are you sure?" Pietro asked his twin. Wanda just stared at him and he nodded. Is this some twin telepathy? We walked into a lounge area connected to the room. I sat down on a couch and Wanda joined me.

"What did you want to talk about?" I faced her and sat criss-cross applesauce. I chuckled at the old name. Wanda gave me a confused smile. I chuckled again. "Criss-cross applesauce." I pointed to my legs and laughed as I said it out loud. She smiled , but it wasn't a full one. "Okay, sorry. What's wrong?"

"Nothing... it's just... I know I shouldn't really be asking this right now. How do you do it?" It was my turn to be confused. "Like, I've seen footage of you with your magic. How can you have so much power and control it so effortlessly?"

I blinked as she asked her question. She has no idea. I can tell she was confused. Trying to figure what is inside her. I remember being like that, I still am.

"How long have you had your magic?" I asked. It will help if I know how long she's had her powers. It was quite difficult for me to get the hang of it at first.

"About 7-8 years." She answered. I nodded. That means she started the experiments around the age of 11. Let's say 8 years. Her experiments probably lasted a year, including training and figuring out what your dealing with. That leaves her with 7 years. And that's all the math for today folks! 8-1=7!

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