Chapter 31: Pizza

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I tripped over a branch as I made me way over to the ships. The sun was slowly coming up. I stumbled to the ship and peeked inside. I noticed Nebula was already awake, struggling to get her restraints off. She groaned in anger as she moved her arms around roughly.

I smirked at her and walked into the broken ship. She glared my way, but her face slightly softened when she noticed it was me.

"You're back." She stood stood up. I smiled at her and looked around the ship. I felt my stomach growl. I'm starving! I haven't eaten anything since I left Earth.

"Did you think I left for good?" I raised an eyebrow at the blue woman. She shrugged and looked around us.

"I wouldn't blame you." She sat back down. I sat next to her.

"God, I'm so hungry!" I patted my belly. Nebula stared at me. I scrunched my face in annoyance. "I need food, more specifically, I need pizza."

I rubbed my hands together.

"I'm going to give this a shot. If this works I'm going to... cry." I chuckled. Nebula scrunched her face.

"Please don't." She shook her head in disgust. I laughed.

I took a deep breath. If I'm going to get used of teleporting this far from home, I'll have to practice. So let's try some pizza.

I thought of the most delicious piece of pizza. I'm one of those just cheese and pepperoni people. I thought of the best pizza place in New York. Big Poppa's Pizza. The first time I went there, it changed my life. Pizza is on the top of my food list along with chicken wings, kitkats, chicken nuggets, and I can't forget fries.

I opened my eye and I smiled at the portal in front of me. A pizza box come through the portal. I grinned and snatched the box. I made the portal disappear.

"Yes!" I winced slightly. I shook my head at the pain and ignored it.

I noticed a note on the top of the box.

I was wondering what happened to you. Always ready for my favourite customer.
-Big Poppa.

"I love that man." I shook my head with a grin and opened the box. I moaned at the steaming pie.

"What is that?" Nebula cringed at the circle of cheesy goodness.

"It's called pizza! One of my favourite foods!" I grabbed a slice. "Mmm." I moaned at chewed the pizza. I savoured the amazing taste as if it's the last food I'll ever eat. I haven't had this pizza since... 2 nights ago...

I chuckled at my over dramatic self.

"C-can I try?" She whispered with her head down softly. I smiled at her.

"You're lucky I like you or I wouldn't share. Sharing food is something I don't do with many people." I helped the box to her. She gave me a look and held her cuffed hands up. "Oh! Sorry!" I chuckled sheepishly and grabbed her a slice.

She smiled softly and took the slice. I impatiently watched her study the slice of pizza in her hand.

"It's not poisoned?" She asked, skeptical. I scoffed and shook my head.

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