Chapter 45: Tease

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"I'm both an angel and devil." I gave them a lopsided grin as I showed off my dress. It was white, but now it's black, and to be honest I like the black better. I made this one have fireproof material. I honestly don't know it worked. I'll guess we'll see.

My curly hair fell over my shoulders and down my back, ending in the middle of my back. Bucky's actually looked brushed and looks as if he used conditioner.

I made sure I had my glasses on this time.

Loki/Odin raised an eyebrow at Bucky's suit. Bucky raised an eyebrow at Loki/Odin, looking a little confused on why he's 'checking him out'.

He likes your suit. I smiled innocently at Bucky. He coughed and glared at me.

I knew that. He scoffed and shook his head. I smirked knowingly at him.


I gave a little show of my powers. I decided against making my body catch on fire... for once in my life, I actually don't hate a dress.

Bucky and I are with Loki, in the main library. Tilia and Bella are waiting for us, just outside the library.

"So... Loki." I grinned innocently at him as I tensed my shoulder with my hands together. Loki glanced at me with suspicion.

"Yes?" He stared at me. I jumped on the table that Loki was stacking books on. I fixed my dress. I leaned in front of his face sideways, he smirked with a raised eyebrow.

"I have a question, about my friend Bella out there." I sat up straight, Loki following me. He glanced back at Bucky, who watched with narrowed eyes.

"What is it, love?"

"Bella doesn't have the... greatest environment at home." I played with my fingers. Loki noticed my nervous habit. He placed his hands on top of mine, stopping me from pulling.

"You do not need to be nervous, Hope. Not around me." He smiled softly, his eyes soft as was his voice. I chuckled and looked away.

"Yeah..." I scratched my forehead. "Um, I believe Bella should have a nice life. She deserves better then what she's getting... so I was wondering... maybe you could let her stay here at the palace?" I scrunched my face with unsureness.

Loki pursed his lips as he thought quietly. I looked over to Bucky.

He smiled brightly, showing off his teeth as he held his thumbs up.

"I suppose it won't do anyone harm." Loki nodded as his eyes found mine again. I straightened my posture. "As long as she does her job well and not to let the other maid know. Only servants and maids who have helped around the palace for years get to stay and live in the palace."

"Really?" I asked, a large smiling making it onto my face. Loki was close to my face. His eyes drifted to my mouth and back up to my eyes, a small smile on his face.

He nodded.

I looked at Bucky.

"Can you go tell Bella the news? I want to ask Loki something... it's about the soulmate stuff." I cleared my throat acting awkward. Bucky raised an eyebrow at the two of us. He squinted  at me.

"I can't listen?"

"I think it's something we should talk about alone..." I gave him a serious look. Bucky furrowed his eyebrows at confusion. After a moment, his eyes widened.

"Oh! Why do you have to talk about that now?" He glared at me suspiciously.

"I think its a important conversation. It should be done face-to-face." Bucky looked between us. I backed away from Loki just a little. Bucky sighed and nodded.

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