Chapter 29: Precious Loki

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A little after Gamora and I talked, we decided to go to sleep. We also decided that we would leave tomorrow.

It's not too hot or too cold. I don't know how tonight will be. My nightmares come out of no where and if I have one, I don't want them to see me. I hate when people see me have nightmares. Only Bucky, Steve, Nat, Dad, and Mom have been there for the aftermath.

"You sure your okay out here? There are beds in the ship that are actually comfortable." Peter asked with a cheesy smile. I nodded with a smile. I sat on the ground against a tree.

"I don't really like small spaces. Being out here feels more comfortable to me." I smiled reassuringly at him. He nodded and glanced back at the ship.

"Well, if you change your mind. Just come find me." He smiled with a nod. I watched him walk away, but there was slight hesitation in his step. I sighed and looked to the sky. There are some stars, not a lot. I couldn't also see my surroundings because of a moon. It honestly just feels like I'm camping.

I laid against the tree and my mind drifted to Loki. I haven't talked to him in a while. Maybe I should try to talk to him again.

I felt my eyes slowly start to close as I felt pressure in my head.


"Hello Darling." Loki grinned from his spot in the library. We are in the same library as the time I visited him. Loki sat in another chair holding a book. I smiled at him.

"Hello Loki. How have you been? What did Odin do to you after you went back to Asgard?" I asked as he stood up. He placed the book down and walked over to me. I grinned as I felt his arms wrap around me. He sighed in content as he rested his head on my shoulder. I snuggled into his chest, loving the feeling of his arms around me. He pulled away, but pulled back in for a kiss. I smiled into the kiss, loving the feeling. I moaned softly, missing the feeling. Loki held my waist with his hands and pulled me closer. I felt Loki smirk as he made his way down my jaw. I bit my lip. Loki kisses my neck softly. I let out shaky sigh. He has no idea how much he means to me.

"Loki..." I whispered. He continued made his way back up my jaw and placed a kiss on my lips.

He didn't answer my question.

"Loki." I pulled away and looked at the god. He gave me a lopsided smile. I let out a breathless chuckle.

"I've missed you, Love. It's great to see you again." His voice was soft and his eyes bore into mine. I stared at his beautiful green eyes.

"I missed you too..." I sighed with a smile. He gave me a grin. "But answer the question." I pointed at him.

"Everything's Fine. I was forgiven and Thor is off on his quest for the Infinity Stones." Loki shrugged dismissively. I raised an eyebrow.

"What actually happened Loki. Odin doesn't seem like the type to forgive you after banishing him to another planet with no powers." I crossed my arms. Loki stared at me for a moment, his eyes telling me everything. I gasped and hit him in the chest. He winced.

"Loki! You can't just lie about something like that! Thor is going to kill you! Do you know how hurt he's going to be to find out you betrayed him... again! You told us you wanted to change. You lied to us!" I glared at him.

"I know Darling, but I promise this is the last ti—."

"But it won't be will it? I should have known, you are the god of lies." I stared pacing in front of him. I noticed the hurt look on his face. "No, don't give me that look. You lied to Thor about bringing back his father and actually convinced him... us that you wanted to change."

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