Chapter 2: Mother

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Bucky and I stood at the entrance of the Cemetery. Gravestones covered the ground in front of us. I gulped as I played with my fingers. I felt a hand on my shoulder. A look of reassurance from Bucky made me feel a bit better. We had to make ourselves look different again. I walked into the cemetery. I looked at the stones, looking for her. I did some research and found out she was a nurse. She died from cancer and Peter disappeared that same night. They claimed he ran away, that he couldn't handle the death of his mother, his missing father, and his missing sister. I'm going to find him soon. I can literally teleport to see him anytime I want... I guess I'm just scared. I've been scared of a lot of things lately. We walked for a while, but I stopped suddenly. There she was.

Meredith Quill
Loving Mother and Daughter. May she forever be smiling.

I stared down at Stone. I was surprised no tears shedded yet. I looked over to Bucky, who was watching me closely. I didn't have to say anything, he just nodded and walked away. I looked down to the grave.

"Hey... mom. This feels weird to be honest." I laughed to myself quietly. I gulped and read the stone over and over again. "I-I know you're my mother... but calling you mom doesn't feel right. I'm so sorry. I just have a hard time picturing you." I felt terrible for saying this. When I think of the word mom, I think of Pepper.

"I'm sorry we had to meet like this... I'm sorry for leaving the family. I just want to let you know, that I'm safe. I'm okay. Pepper tells me how much she worries for me, and I'm guessing that's how you are too. Pepper is my adopted mother... she's been there for me. She's a nice woman. And my adopted father, Tony Stark. I think you know him. Underneath his big ego, he's a good man. Pepper and Tony gave me a home when I needed it most. They kept me safe and happy. I wonder what it would be like if you were still here, if I wasn't taken, if Peter was still here. I want to thank you for loving me. For teaching me lessons I still use today. The man with me, he's like my brother. He's helped me through so much. He takes care of me and the other way around. I wish I could talk to you face to face. I just wanted to see you smile on last time, but I remember. I remember the mini concerts, the sing offs, the baking, the ice cream nights, the bed time stories, which I know are real. I know who my biological father is. Oh! And I may have also forgot to mention I'm on the run from the government. Something I shouldn't be forgetting. I have done bad things in my past, but not on my free will. I know I'm not a monster. I had some help realizing that. I also have a soulmate. He's a god! Can you believe that!? He's fine as hell too!" I chuckled sadly. If she was here, we could have girl talk. I hadn't had one of those in a while. "But seriously, he is a good man. He's done bad too, some on his free will, but not all. He's the god of mischief and lies. He's compassionate, loving, but he doesn't like to show it. He thinks it's a weakness, but I'm gonna show him it isn't. I learned that from you. He's nice to me. He's also the Prince of Asgard. Asgard is another planet, I guess you could say. The King there is the King of the Nine Realms.

I have so many people I call family. Steve, Thor and Natasha are my best friends. Sam is a good friend. Rhodey, Happy, Clint, Nick, and Bruce are like my uncles. Maria and May are like my Aunties. Peter Parker, Harley, and Romeo are like my little brothers. Tony is my Dad, no doubt. Pepper is my mom... I'm sorry. I feel so bad for saying that... okay. And then there's Loki... the god I was talking about. I wish we could get together, but I don't know. Are we together? I've got to talk to him... sorry. I'm rambling on. Anyway, I'm thinking of going to see Peter... PJ. I don't know where he is. He's in space somewhere. I'm pretty sure he's fine. I knows he's not dead... there's this weird feeling I get about people or when's something's about to happen. I follow this feeling a lot. It hasn't failed me yet.

I can go on and on about my life. I can tell you everything right here. But I need to go. We've been here too long. You have a special place in my heart that can't be replaced. I still look up to you, to keep on smiling. I'm sorry we couldn't be a family longer. I'm doing alright. I have a good life, a family, and I feel good. I love you. I wish I could see you. I wish I could have one of your hugs. I miss it when you sang to me. I miss your smile. I wish you could see the real me. I love you Meredith Quill... and thank you for everything you've done for me." I felt a tear fall from my eye. I made flowers appear in my hands. River Lily's. I placed them on her grave. I wrapped my arms around myself as if I was trying to give myself a hug. I stared at the stone, reading the words over and over again. "I love you..." I whispered softly to her.

I turned towards Bucky, who probably heard every word of my speech. Stupid super hearing. I walked up to him. He placed his non metal arm around my shoulders. I smiled up at him.

"It's okay to cry you know." He spoke as we made our way through the small town. I looked straight ahead.

"I know. I already did." I told him truthfully. I let all my tears out before we left. I didn't want her to see me cry. I had to tell her what I needed to say.

"I'm sure she's proud of you. You've done amazingly. I wish you were my kid." He chuckled jokily. I laughed as I shook my head. We walked towards our motel, but stopped as we notice cops. They were walking from the motel office. Bucky and I looked at each other. Oh shit! I have something in there!

"We have to go." Bucky whispered as we acted casually.

"I left my bracelet in there. The one Nick gave to me." My leather bracelet was by my bed. I have to get it. I pulled us behind a building. I made a small portal and looked through it. I reached my hand in and grabbed the bracelet.

"Hey!" A yell came from the other side. I panicked and close the portal. I put on the bracelet. Bucky looked at me. His face saying it all.

"I couldn't leave it! It's special." I held my wrist. We looked to the motel and the cops invaded our room. Bucky sighed.

"Where to next?" He asked as changed out appearance again. We walked towards the road.

"Where ever you want." I told him as I waved my hands and a portal appeared. He walked through first. I looked back at the small town I used to call home. "Goodbye..." I pursed my lips as I walked away from my old life.

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