Chapter 26: Departure

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I opened my eyes and felt really squished. I blinked a few times to get used to the light. I held in a groan and slowly sat up. I smiled sleepily at the two bodies beside me. Natasha slept on my right and Wanda on my left. I slowly and carefully stood from the bed.

Memories of the late night I had with the two flooded my mind. I had come to Nat's room to talk to her, but she planned a night with just the three of us because of me leaving. We watched Netflix and ate junk food.

It was fun.

Another memory for me to smile about.

I stretched my arms above my head and stretched my body. I heard a loud crack from my back, which felt good. I looked at the time and it is 10:23 a.m.

I put on my ironman slippers and walked out the room slowly. I didn't want to wake them. They deserve to sleep in. Fury gave everyone the day off to see me leave. Mom and Dad slept the extra room.

I walked into the lounge to see the super soldiers. I grinned at them.

"Good morning." I greeted as I stopped walking. I glanced at the two options of seating. Beside Bucky or beside Steve.

"Morning Hope." Steve smiled sweetly. Bucky glared at me.

"It ain't an option Marie." Bucky pointed to the spot beside him. I grinned as I walked over to him and sat down. I noticed the smirk Bucky sent Steve. Steve just rolled his eyes. "Told you I was her favourite."

"How you two doing? I never got to talk to you's last night." I asked the two.

"You leaving makes it easier for me to get into you're candy stash. You know, hiding it in the—." I punched his shoulder.

"Shut up or Steve will hear you. I have his favourite and I don't want him to—." I froze and glanced at the blonde. His eyes widened.

"You have M&M's?" Steve smiled excitedly. Bucky smirked at me. I glared at them.

"You two are not allowed to touch my candy." I sneered at the idiots. They looked at me with the same smirks. I groaned and made M&M's appear in Steve's lap and some Gummy bears for Bucky. They grinned happily. "You guys know it's only 10– who am I to say that? I do it too." I laid back on the couch and watched them eat. I grinned as I did.

"So when are you leaving?" Steve asked after he swallowed his mouth full of M&M's. I shrugged.

"I don't know. Later this evening probably." I gave them a small.

"What are you going to do till then?" Bucky questioned.

"Hang out with you guys. I don't know how long I'll be gone. I just want to relax and chill with all of you's." I replied. I noticed Bucky tuck his hair behind his ear just for it to fall over his face again. I smiled when he went crosseyed to glare at the stray piece of hair. I stared at Bucky with a smile. After a few minutes of staring, I could see the uncomfortable look on Bucky's face.

"What?" He finally asked with a squint.

"Your hair. Let me put it up." I stood up and walked behind the couch. I made a hair elastic appear and put in around my hand.

"No. It's fine—."

"I didn't ask." I started to grab his hair. He grumbled under his breath. Steve just watched with an amused smile. "Your hair is so soft! I love it! What conditioner do you use?" I grinned as I put the top half of his hair in a bun.

I grinned and stood back at my masterpiece.

"I could have done that myself." Bucky mumbled, arms crossed. I remember that he had sisters and he helped them out a lot.

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