Hope's File

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Full Adopted Given Name: Hope "Marie Stark"

Biological Name: Hope Quill

Biological Parents: Meredith Quill (Deceased)
Ego the Planet (Father)

Adopted Parents: Tony Stark (Father) Pepper Potts (Mother)

Siblings: Peter Jason Quill (Older brother)

DOB: October 18, 1995

Day She Was Found: December 24, 2005

Day She Was Taken: August 9, 2000


• Hope finally found Bucky and helped get rid of HYDRA, getting rid of S.H.I.E.L.D. as well.

• Hope is on the run from the government along with her friend Bucky Barnes.

• Hope is Loki's soulmate. They have talked  through magic and their bond since the HYDRA incident.

• Hope has gotten Extremis and can't get rid of it.

• Hope's powers are from the Space Infinity stone mostly, but the memory manipulation, mental shield, and telepathy are from the Mind Infinity Stone with the help of the Space Stone.

• Hope is powerful enough to yield more than one Infinity Stone.

• Hope only had one experiment with the Mind Stone. It was the most painful experiment. It also made the whole building lose power. The power from the space stone and her being half Demi god saved her.

• Hope is the daughter of Ego the planet.

•She is half Celestial, like a demigod.

• Hope has all her memories back, including her past life.

• She is Peter Quill's little sister.

• Meredith Quill died on April 2, 2000 to brain cancer. The same day, Peter Quill disappeared. (I know that's not true, but it's for the story)

Abilities: S =Space Stone
M =Mind Stone
-Illusion casting M & S

-telekinesis M

-telepathy M

-teleportation S

-blast flight S

-memory manipulation M

-mental shield (protect from mental attacks) M

-physical shield S

-blasts balls of magic S

- iron armour tech

- Extremis (healing at rapid speed and shoot blue balls of fire)

- making objects appear S & M

Combat: Hope is very skilled in hand-to-hand combat and gun shooting. Her training with Steve and Natasha helped, along with her remembering her past experiences. Bucky has helped her stay or better yet, become stronger than she was.

Weapons: Hope is very handy with a gun and knives. Natasha has given her tips, and so has Bucky.

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