Chapter 57: Jacobs

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Romeo is played by Dylan O'Brien. This was the youngest picture I could find of him. Dylan is 15 years old in the pic. Just imagine him a little younger.

Romeo and Chantel are 13 years old.
Zac is 16 years old (Cameron Boyce ♥️).
Tessa is 32 years old.


I rung the door bell of the three story house. We managed to get them a good house considering the circumstances.

I've only been to California once, and it was only to pick Dad up. He got onto his private jet with a bunch of people and just flew around. They ended up in California. I don't know why Dad let someone have one of his private jet. He must have been totally wasted.

It is currently 4 o'clock here and the kids should be home soon. I can't wait to see them.

The door opened and Tessa came into view.

"Is this the Jacobs residents?" I pointed to the large house. She let out a nervous chuckle and shook her head.

"No, I'm sorry. You must have the wrong house." She smiled kindly and tried to close the door. I put my foot in the door.

I forgot to mention I have a illusion up that makes me look like a 6 foot muscular man with a big beard. I look like a lumber jack, except that I have a plain black shirt with black jeans.

I smirked at her, and peeked through the space in the door.

"I think this is the right house..." I grabbed the door and pushed on it with the help of my magic. Tessa stumbled back. She gasped in fear and shock.

I closed the door behind me. I cracked my knuckles and stalked over to her. She leaned against a table, trying to grab something behind her back.

"W-what do you want?" She stuttered in fear. I chuckled and stood tall in front of her.

"To see my good old friends." I turned my evil smirk into a kind smile. She became confused.

Blue mist surrounded me as I took down my illusion, making my true self appear.

"Hey Tes—."

I gasped as I dodged a vase being thrown at me. I caught it with my magic before it hit the wall behind me.

"I guess you didn't like my prank?" I chuckled at her reaction. She stared at me with wide eyes, her jaw dropped with a smile.

"You scared the crap out of me!" She exclaimed as she pulled me into a hug. I grinned as I hugged her tightly. "Oh god I missed you!"

"I missed you too."


Tessa and I are now on the black leather couch that was placed in the living room. I sipped in my ice tea juice box while Tessa had a water.

"I mean, he's cute and all, but I don't think we could have gotten together. I actually met someone else while being here." She smirked as she sipped her tea. I grinned at her words.

"Who!? Is he good looking?!" I asked her loudly as I moved closer to her. She smiled and gushed softly. She was about to speak, but the door slammed open.

"You two are so annoying! It's not like I was stupid enough to believe it like you, Zac" Chantel yelled in annoyance as they trailed into the house. I stood up at the sight of the three.

They look so... old.

"That hurt... right here..." Zac pouted while placing his hand to his chest. Romeo laughed at the two while shaking his head.

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