Chapter 54: Idiot!

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I stood in front of Peter as everyone around us was fighting. Peter looked around as did I.

"I can't fight you, Petey..." I whispered to him. "You're my little bro."

"Then why are you here...?" He asked softly. We pretend to fight, but really it looked like a pathetic cat fight.

"I don't want anyone getting killed on accident or get hurt badly. I'm here if anything goes... more down south." I told him.

"Hope! What are you two doing?" Sam yelled on the comm. I guess someone said something to Peter too because he said something.

"I really want to impress Mr. Stark..." Peter told me softly. He webbed Sam, making him start falling.

I used my magic to take the web off and Sam flew away from Rhodey just in time.

"I know..." I sighed. He rocked on his heels awkwardly. "So do it."

He gave me a double take.

I used my magic to make him float in the air. I started to crush his right web shooter. He yelped.

"Woah!" He used his web shooter to pull me closer to him, giving me a good punch to the face.

"Damn kid!"

"I'm so sorry!" He exclaimed and waved his hands, panicking.

Suddenly, Peter was hit by Pietro with full force. He flew away. I looked at the man. He raised her eyebrows at me.

"What are you doing?" His accent deep as he walked up to me. I shrugged.

"I wanted to see who he was. He's practically a kid." I looked around.

I ran up to Bucky and Black Panther. I used my magic to stop T'Challa and threw him into a crate. He nodded towards me.

"You know..." I stopped Rhodey from shooting at Steve from behind and threw into into a plane. "You could easily use your mind control powers right now."

"Yeah, but I don't think they'll like that very much." Wanda grunted as she threw a crate at Vision.

"Yeah, they don't really like us right now." I noticed Peter under a large container. I used my magic to lift the load.

He quickly moved out of the way. I smiled when he moved his arm on a circular motion.


"We gotta go. That guys probably in Siberia by now."  I heard Bucky's voice speak in the comms.

"We gotta draw out the flyers. I'll take Vision, you get to the jet." I heard Steve speak.

I used my magic and stopped the Black Panther's attack on Scott. He flew into a plane, then fell to the ground.

"No! You get to the jet! Both of you!" Sam spoke back. "The rest of us ain't getting out of here."

"As much as I hate to admit it, if we're gonna win this one, some of us might have to lose it." Clint said as I stopped Dad from hitting him with his blaster.

"I knew that was gonna happen. You know, for having two extra people, we are still going to lose." Pietro spoke up. "Maybe that's because Hope has a soft spot when it comes to family?"

"Shut up, Maximoff. I'm sure you know the value of family." I huffed childishly.

Natasha ran in front of me.

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