Chapter 32: Glass is Empty

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I sat next to Peter as we wait to arrive at Ego's planet. I don't know what to expect to be honest. I've only been to three different ones. Earth, Asgard, and the one we just left, and it looked exactly like Earth!

"Are you for sure okay?" Peter asked for the hundredth time. I rolled my eyes.

"Yes Peter. I'm fine. It was a false alarm. Stop worrying. I've handle much worse." I chuckled as I patted his arm. Peter rolled his eyes.

"Like that makes it much better." He scoffed.

"It was just a dream that felt real. I'm okay, everything is okay." I smiled. Loki's okay, probably not going to be when Thor gets to Asgard, but for now he's okay. Peter raised a suspicious eyebrow at me, but shook it off.

"Can I ask you a personal question?" Peter looked over to Mantis. Mantis gasped in shock.

"No one has ever asked me a personal question before." Mantis looked at Peter. I furrowed my eyebrows. Ego never asked her? Why is Mantis even with Ego?

"Your antennae, what are they for?" Peter questioned the woman.

"What is their purpose?" Peter nodded with a small smile.

"Yes. Quill and I have a bet." Drax nodded from his seat across from us. I chuckled as Peter groaned softly.

"Dude. You're not supposed to say that!" Peter sighed. Gamora strutted in. I gave her a smile. She gave me a small nod.

I noticed Gamora and Peter share a glance. They're cute.

"I say, if your going to go through a doorway that is too low, your antennae will feel this, and keep you from being decapitated." Drax told Mantis.

"Right, and if it's anything other than you specifically not being by a doorway, I win." Peter nodded. I raised an eyebrow at the bet.

I chuckled at Mantis's confused expression.

"They are not for feeling doorways." Mantis informed us making Drax lean back and groan at his lose. Peter laughed mockingly. "I think... they have something to do with my empathic abilities."

"What are those?" Gamora asked.

"If I touch someone, I can feel their feelings." Mantis explained.

"You read minds?" Peter furrowed his eyebrows.

"No. Telepaths know thoughts, which is what Miss Hope here is. I am an Empath. Empaths feel feelings. Emotions. May I?" Mantis held her hand to Peter. Peter looked around at us, looking a little hesitant, but gave in.

"Alright." He placed his hand on his knee closed to her. She reached over and placed her hand on his. Her eyes closed for a few seconds as the end of her antennae glows white. She smiled up at Peter.

"You feel... love."

"Yea, I guess I feel a general, unselfish love for just about everybody." Peter tried to explain.

"No! Romantic, sexual love." She said.

"No, no, I don't." Peter quickly shook his head with a scrunched up face. I held in my laugh as I placed a hand over my mouth.

"For her!" Mantis pointed at Gamora. Peter retracted his hand from her quickly.

Gamora's eyes widened at the announcement.

Drax's eyes widened as a grin made its way onto his face. He roared with laughter as he looked between the two. I snorted, trying not to laugh. Peter glanced at Gamora.

"Okay." Peter sighed out in exhaustion and embarrassment. He groans as he looked to the ground.

"She just told your deepest, darkest secret!" Drax laughed as he pointed at Peter. I bursted our laughing as I listened to Drax's laugh. He laughs so loud! Peter glanced at me with a squint.

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