Rings echoed through the school's walls, signaling the end of the course. Slowly, Karlie collected all the books she had gathered under her table throughout the months, while the rest of students were practically out of the class. Excited conversations about the summer break could be heard, and even some emotional teachers were hugging for the last time their students. It's the last year of high school, and she knew that she would never see this people again in her whole life, but she couldn't care less. Karlie didn't have a lot of friends anyways, and the constant annoyed look in her face didn't help anyone to dare say her a final goodbye.
Her reputation wasn't the best around here, known for her bad humor and nonchalance. She wasn't aware at which point she earned this label, but she didn't mind, this way she didn't have to deal with a lot of people. She knew that she scared people away, with her imposing posture and death glares, but again, she didn't mind.
Today, Karlie was in a particular bad mood, and the screams and pushes form the overexcited students were worsening it. How is it possible that so many people fit in this hallway? Damn it. She forced herself to exit the class and navigate her way out of this hell.
She didn't like summer. At all.
"Karlie! Where the hell are you?" A blonde girl shouted, trying to make a way towards her, throwing obscenities to whichever distracted person that got in her way. Karlie watched her with amusement, waiting for her friend to reach her, letting the flow of students surround her.
"Fuck this school and these stupid narrows hallways" the blonde said, trying to relocate her bag that had fallen from her back, hitting in the process a boy with the elbow, who had to comfort himself with her rushed apology "Thank god we're not going to get back here" She huffed. Karlie nodded with her head absently, leading the way out using her height in her favor.
They let out a relieved breath once they were outside. The sun was hitting hard, making them blind for a second. "Girl, I know you don't have the most expressive face here, but is the last day of high school, you should be a little bit happy at least" Karlie frowned, looking at her "I don't like summer" she said shortly.
"C'mon is not that ba-"
"Of course it is, you know what happens in summer"
"Is not the end of the world, it's just a couple of months with your aunts"
"Cara, my aunts are insufferable" She sighed rubbing her temple with the back of her hand "It's all the years the same shit, I wish my parents could just let me go with them, I could do paperwork or something, it can't be that hard"
"You are literally the first person I know that wants to work in summer for free" Cara chuckled.
They started walking towards their bikes. Karlie stayed silently next to Cara, who was chatting animatedly with a couple of friends of hers who were passing by, making them laugh until they said their goodby, not without the promise of a hangout in the future. Karlie didn't mutter a single word, and none of them were surprised by this anyways. She wasn't sure of who they were, maybe Lisa and Mark from biologic class, but she really didn't care at all, so she just kept her head low and observed how her feet walked on the pavement until they reached their bikes, only offering them a side smile when they went in separate ways.
They unchained their bikes and initiated the way back home, pedaling through the gathered students. Karlie welcomed the fresh breeze that came with the new speed, strands of hair breaking free from her loose ponytail. Cara was leading the way a couple of meters away from her. They had finally left behind the building's bustle.