As always, Karlie became aware of her surroundings before opening her eyes. The timid birdsongs outside their shelter, the soft sheet tangled in her legs, and of course, the feeling of another body pressed against her own. She had grown used to this, as well as she had gotten used to slipping away without being noticed, even though, she couldn't take credit for that merit knowing what a heavy sleeper Taylor was.
She let herself enjoy the moment, the steady breath of Taylor was almost a lullaby, and she was oh so very tempted to go back to sleep, just like she was tempted yesterday, and the day before. But it was easier to ignore problems than face them, she had learned that much from the same girl sleeping in her arms. Karlie sighed to herself, remembering last night. She had to admit, it was cute. She had enjoyed it, was just like being with the old Taylor again, the real Taylor, she hoped, although she wasn't sure about that, she couldn't be sure after all. How many faces were left in Taylor? How many facets of her that Karlie still had no idea about? The thought scared her, completely scared of the feeling that she didn't know at all this girl. It was not as scary as it was sad, but wasn't that almost the same thing? For Karlie it was. Maybe that was the reason why she couldn't confront the blonde when she woke up, too vulnerable for her eyes to see, maybe that was the reason why she ran away each morning and pushed her problems as far away as possible.
But, hell, she was so warm, so soft. And the window showed the still cold and uninviting version of the woods, usual of dawns.
Karlie didn't want to go, but it was her best option.
She got rid of the sheet, kicking them. That was the easy part, now she had to escape from Taylor's arms. The previous days it had been easier, since the blonde hadn't been hugging her like her life depended on it, now she was completely trapped. Karlie lifted carefully the arm circling her waist, and the blonde stirred much to her dismay. Taylor grunted lowly, the limp arm recovering force and circling with determination again around her. Karlie cursed to herself, and stopped a second to order her thoughts.
But her head just offered her a 'fuck it' solid and constant, so she followed the meaningful words her mind was chanting without questioning. Karlie pushed Taylor away, now not so gently. She had to go, she had to escape. The mornings were the worst part of the day, when the feeling of betrayal was stronger, when she became aware that one part of her was still not ready to forgive Taylor, as much as the other part wanted. But the girl wasn't having any of that, even in her sleep, she was just as stubborn. And now she was definitely waking up. She hugged with both arms Karlie's waist, and hid her face in the crook of her neck, refusing to let go. It was as annoying as it was distracting, and distracting not in a good way.
"Taylor, let go" Karlie mumbled, hands pushing lightly in the other girls ribs, vainly.
The blonde grunted groggily "No" Karlie clenched her jaw at the brush of soft breath in her neck. Taylor didn't seem awake enough to be doing this on purpose, but still- "I don't want you to go" Karlie's hand stopped their attempt of pushing Taylor away, and she thanked her luck, knowing that Taylor couldn't see the blush in her cheeks. God.
Whatever. She could get a little bit more sleep, the dark circles under her eyes testified it. It was ridiculous how a simple command from a half sleep Taylor was enough to convince her, but everyone there already knew she was totally biased. Karlie relaxed again, the dim light of the sunrise was cold and misty, not enough to distract her from sleep. Yeah, she could definitely stay in the warm bed some more.
"Just because you asked" Karlie finally murmured, nuzzling against Taylor soft hair, not expecting her roommate to hear her.