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// this one is long

The morning surprised them with timid sun rays. They pierced through the translucent curtains, like a remainder of lost hope. The cabin was quiet, Taylor could feel a soft breath in her shoulder, and bare arms circling her waist. The window, like an old painting, retracted the sight of a convulsed sky, clouds disintegrating partially, to just come back together, ridden by the persistent will of the wind.

Karlie stirred in her back, a low grunt and a long intake of air. Taylor turned around to see bright green eyes, loaded with sleep, opening lazily with slow blinks. It was the first time she got to see Karlie waking up, and couldn't believe how good a person could look in such a moment. Her skin gleamed, her hair was tousled but it suited her perfectly, and a small, lazy smile printed in perfect shaped rosy lips.


Taylor didn't give her time to adjust to the conscious world, she leaned forward, catching those lips in hers, feeling the soft skin against her own again. Karlie hummed, surprised, and half asleep, but recovered soon as she returned the kiss. Soft. Why was it always so soft? But all moments have an end, even the good ones, and Taylor finally separated, leaning her forehead against Karlie's.

"Morning" She breathed, eyes closed.

The brunette chuckled lightly, and Taylor couldn't phantom to hear a better sound in the morning.

"My love" Karlie greeted, a hint of teasing in her voice. Taylor opened her eyes, shoving playfully the girl's shoulder, just to make Karlie giggle louder. The blonde dropped back to her side of the bed, enveloping herself in the warm sheets, but Karlie followed shortly after, resting her head in her hand as she observed her, with a sunshiny smile in her face. Taylor looked back at her, her eyes being the only thing not covered by the sheets, trying to contain her own content. Her gaze couldn't help but waver from the brunette's eyes, the white clothes were lowering from Karlie's shoulders, and Taylor became very conscious of the fact that they were very naked, well, she was naked, Karlie still had her pants on. But- still.

Taylor hid even more in the blankets, embarrassed. Karlie tilted her head in question, but the sheets slipped even more at the action, and the blonde averted her gaze, an indubitable blush reached her cheeks this time.

"Taylor, you're such a child" The amused voice of her roommate made her look at her again, just to find a knowing smile thrown in her direction.

"I'm not-" Her words got interrupted when Karlie got even closer, the movement making the sheets to finally slip. Well. Fuck. Taylor covered her head with the clothes, still not believing anything that was happening.

Karlie's laughter echoed in the room, much to Taylor's embarrassment "Taylor, please-"

"Shut up"

Before she could do anything about it, the sheets over her head disappeared, revealing a very amused Karlie looking down at her. She knew for a fact her cheeks were shamefully red.

"I don't remember you being this shy last night"

Taylor crossed her arms over her chest, as she tried to recompose herself. Not that she really could "Watch your mouth, Kloss"

Karlie raised an eyebrow "Willingly"

She leaned down swiftly to kiss her, much to the blonde surprise. Taylor couldn't resist, getting lost in the feeling as she tangled her hand in Karlie's hair, pulling her closer. She was half conscious of the brunette tossing the sheets away, as well as she was of the hand now traveling through her exposed thigh, higher and higher. The kiss deepened as Taylor licked Karlie's bottom lip and the brunette opened her mouth instead, capturing her tongue, making her release a breathy moan that ended in Karlie's mouth. The hand that wasn't tangled in the brunette's hair lowered through the soft and firm skin of Karlie's back, pulling her closer enough that their chests brushed, a silent insistence of letting the taller girl rest her weight against her. And she did.

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