The first lesson was not something Karlie was expecting, but it was interesting enough to keep her attention. Lily was in front of them, explaining the basic rules of the game, while the group was around her, listening carefully. Karlie looked around, observing all the people in her team, memorizing the faces she didn't know while trying to remember their names. They were fifteen in total, and so far they all seemed nice, well, minus those bastards of Kanye and Ram. Jourdan informed her that Kurt was in Air, so at least that was something.
Each team had their own training space, far away from the other's groups, where they trained for the upcoming tournaments and planned futures strategies. Each week, there was said tournament, where the three teams competed for points, and as Lily has informed them, monday next week there will be a fencing competition. So now, they had to train in order to become better than the other teams and defeat them, even though, Karlie had no idea of fencing, not even how to hold a sword. How did fencing in a summer camp? Make it make sense. However, it seemed interesting, it was, to say the least, a sport she never expected to learn, but here they were. To be fair, it wasn't exactly fencing, even if they called it like that, the swords were heavier and they were not elastic, and they didn't applied all the rules like in professional fencing. This all was more about having a sword and fight for your life, which was cool with Karlie.
The equipment was heavy and caused body temperature to rise too high for Karlie's liking, but they had to wear it. The helmet made breathing difficult, and the totality of it all made their steps slower and clumsier, but Lily didn't waver, don't letting them rest until everyone had a basic understanding of the sport and knew how to do the basic movements. Being with Cara and Jourdan helped, since they did the same last year and knew what was going on, and Karlie soon took the hint, it was easy, like dancing more less.
After being engrossed the whole morning with training, the trumpets indicated the break for lunch, and the team sighed relieved. Even if the space was covered by trees and leaves, today was a specially warm day, and the only thing in everybody's mind was to take off all the layers of clothes and that stupid helmet.
They made their way towards the canteen with stomachs begging for food, commenting their training lesson, and Karlie heard her friends with an empty mind, nodding, but not actually listening. They were going to reunite, like always, for lunch, and that meant seeing her again. God, she really had to something about that situation. She was beating herself mentally for the way she was acting, but she couldn't really stop now, could she? Why did Taylor have to do that? But you wanted it to happen, so why are you doing this?
Shut up.
Karlie wanted to speak last night, at the party, but she didn't get the chance, or at least that was what she told herself.
"- and Karlie is doing so good, and it's just the first lesson, we are going to win this one, I'm sure" Cara's ramble snapped her out of her daydream when she named her, and Karlie just smiled and nodded her head again. If her friends found her weird for the lack of actual conversation, they didn't comment on it, and Karlie thanked it. She didn't want to talk.
But she had to.
They entered the big cabin along others, waiting in the queue and getting their food soon after. They found their usual table, which was still empty, and seated, waiting for the rest to show up.
The first ones joining them were Gigi, Chris and Enma, they were all from Water, and seemed as exhausted as them when they threw themselves at the bench with a grunt. Daya, Blake and Taylor were next, all coming together from the Air training camp, not looking any better. Taylor and Karlie kept eye contact for a moment, but the blonde looked away after just a second, seating in the other point of the table and looking at her food tray with interest, while the rest started a trivial conversation. Karlie bit the inside of her cheek, not knowing what to do to break the ice between them. Not that she could now, since the blonde has seated in the far end of the large table and refused to look at her, while she was compulsively eating her piece of bread. Karlie sighed, she still needed to learn modals.