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Utter panic was the only thing Karlie could feel at the moment. She looked away from the contrasted figure against the summer light, to roam her gaze around the shed and evaluate the situation.

Yeap. Bad as fuck.

There wasn't any other way to put it. It was disastrous. All the paint cans were emptied in the floor, and its content -fucking great- was all over that cheater in front of her. Who could really blame her? Well, Karlie knew exactly who, she was in front of them.

A prolonged silence settled in the room. There were no more than five feet from where they were to where the door had opened so suddenly, but it felt like it was miles away, like it was unreachable, a door open in the crest of a mountain. There was no way of escaping. Blatantly caught.

"What's the meaning of this?"

Karlie flinched at the voice, and she could tell Taylor did too, even if she wasn't looking at her, and it wasn't because the voice was loud, not at all, it was just because it confirmed at who belonged. All the hope that it could be a resemblance, or a light trick, was gone.

Indeed, they could confirm it, they were screwed.

Karlie put her brain to work, any lie, any excuse, but the last can of paint was still in her hand, and Taylor herself... well. When the woman stepped in the shed, Karlie stepped back instantaneously, bumping her shoulder with Taylor.

Ew, sticky.

"Anna" The quivering voice of Taylor sounded loud in the humid air, even if it was merely a whisper. This day couldn't get worse.

"What's the meaning of this?" The old woman repeated, arm crossed and a much more severe tone. She surely realized what was going on by now, as it was obvious. Karlie swallowed thickly, and looked helplessly at her hands, drenched in paint, and then Taylor. She almost laughed at the sight. She felt like she was five years old again.

"Wha- what are you-" Taylor didn't finish the question, it didn't mattered. Anna's stare hardened, her white hair was perfectly on place, and she looked unfaced for the heated weather, not a single drop of sweat existed on her wrinkled skin.

"They are the ones" A male voice, accompanied by its owner, appeared at the door as well. Karlie couldn't say who he was -maybe she knew, she just didn't want to recognize it-, the light didn't allowed it, but then he stepped in, as well as another guy, and Karlie mouth dropped as her suspicion was affirmed.

This couldn't be real.

She turned around to see the deep frown in Taylor's face. Cool. Good to see she wasn't the only one lost here.

"W- what are you doing here?" Taylor voice was a mix of surprise and confusion, not really registering what was happening, not understanding yet the implications of having Ram and Kurt next to the biggest camp boss. Karlie however, knew where all of this was going.

"This is not what it seems" Karlie recovered and got in her senses, not after sending a death stare at the two boys, especially Ram and that smug -punchable- grin of him. Anna rose an eyebrow, questioningly, arms still crossed and waiting for a response. She could practically feel her patience slipping away.

But Karlie didn't know what to tell her, she didn't know what the boys -Ram- had tell her in the first place, so she just stood here, gaping. Ram beated her in saying anything.

"They've been fighting like this since I know them" Ram stated, an unusual serious expression in his face once he got Anna attention "I don't know who is the worst, but the last week has been a nightmare, you can ask whoever and they'll tell you the same, and look at them now" He pointed at them with disdain, like someone had just profusely offended him. Karlie blinked, just to make sure she wasn't dreaming.

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