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Karlie brought the remaining food to her mouth, mentally preparing herself for anything Cara could think of. The rest of the group may not known it, but she had been with her friend long enough to know the horrible ideas she could have.

"Hey!" Taylor's scream woke her up from her resignation, she was waving to Blake, Abigail, Christopher and Enma cheerfully, intending to get them to join the game, to which they agreed without much thought.

Karlie observed Taylor, seeing how her eyes sparkled in the dim light when she saw the group of friends who had been with them for four days already. Karlie glanced at Christoffer, then turned her eyes back to Taylor. The idea of Taylor having a crush on Christoffer was still difficult to process, considering that the girl wasn't paying any attention to the boy, but hey, isn't Taylor like that? She didn't like the idea of Taylor and the boy together, but wasn't really sure why, she just couldn't imagine it. She didn't want to share Taylor now that they were getting closer, and that selfish thought made her question her moral integrity more than it should.

Sometimes she found herself going over the same topics in her head over and over again, as much as she tried to avoid it, when the walks were eternal, when she looked into nothingness or when she was lying in the tent prepared to sleep, her mind formed the distorted image of Taylor and Christoffer together, and a wave of uneasiness flooded her chest, and she scolded herself for the feeling, not sure why. She may or may not have been analyzing each exchange between the two, recording with fire in her mind the gestures Taylor made around the boy, anything, any evidence that could give her a clue of what was going through Taylor's head, but she was not able to get anything clear, there was nothing special when Taylor interacted with Christoffer, there was nothing out of character, her facade was still perfect, her eyes distant and even a little cold, as always, which only made Karlie more confused. Maybe she didn't know how to flirt? It was a possibility.

After a couple of greetings and introductions, they formed a circle around an empty can of soda. A bottle would be better, but they were not in a place to ask for luxuries.

"So the person pointed by the can has to choose between truth or dare" Cara explained excitedly, like it wasn't the most common game ever played. With a swift motion, Cara spun the can, fast turns soon ended in a lazy, rocking motion, culminating with the can aiming at Gigi.

"Oh c'mon!"

Cara laughed and asked the dreaded question "So, truth or dare?"

"Uhh, dare"

"Going strong I see" Cara looked around pensively, and Karlie could imagine all the possible scenarios going through that devilish mind of hers "Okay, not gonna go hard in the first round, so I dare you to put all the possible marshmallows in your mouth and stay like that for three rounds"

The group chuckled at the sight of a disgusted Gigi, who was clearly regretting the moment she said dare instead of truth. Enma passed her the bag of marshmallows, and the girl stuffed all the candy she could in her mouth with a grumpy face, sending glares at Cara from time to time, who was shaking with laughter.

"Difgunfting" Karlie let a loud cackle scape at the ridiculous vocalization, and the group followed soon after.

"Perfect, now stay like that" Jourdan chimed in, earning an exaggerated eye roll from Gigi and another fit of intelligible mumbles.

"Yof re a piefe ofd shitf"

"Gigi, I highly recommend you to close your mouth" Taylor said with mirth, chuckling at how Gigi was gesticulating insults to Jourdan and Cara, who were practically crying with laughter.

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