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Love at first sight doesn't always exist right? Though some may mention Jungkook was always the one to never fall in love all girls would fall for him even guys in some cases but he didn't want to fall in love even seeing couples he'd just roll his eyes yawning unlike his two best friends yoongi and jimin they we're a couple but didn't show much affection

One day in Seoul, jungkook was living on his own his parents we're practically the rulers of South Korea Kim Namjoon and Kim Seokjin the top ceo's his parents would call him to ask him how he was doing with his studies the younger was doing online classes as usual

" How are your studies going, ggukie? " Jin says holding the phone to his ear

" They're going okay, eomma just finished with my afternoon class " Jungkook replies holding his phone

" You know you can count on us with anything. We also transferred twenty hundred thousand to your bank account is that fine with you? "

" Eomma.. That's too much take some back.. "

" No no you keep it since you're living alone we'll call you later on sweetie okay? "

" Okay eomma "

" We love you, ggukie! "

" I love you both too bye.. "

Jungkook hangs up putting his phone away smiling moving his bangs away from his forehead putting away his laptop getting a banana milk carton opening it seeing what's on the TV seeing an interview with an idol as he grabbed one of his books reading it instead of watching

The next day, jungkook was buying new books and groceries smiling he overhears girls talking about the new solo artist he grabs everything that's needed leaving afterwards tired when getting home yawning then hears the door knock seeing jimin by himself

" Kook!! Have you heard who's coming to Seoul! "

" Do I care? "

" It's V the most popular idol singer that everyone wants to be with its ridiculous! "

" Then again, should I care? "

" Oh come on jungkook! His concert is so good!! So! Since suga didn't wanna come with me!- "

" No "

" You don't even know what I was gonna say! "

" You want me to go with you right? "

" Please jungkook!! I'm begging! "

" You telling me 'please' isn't begging, jimin "

" Annoying you will be begging "

" And you remember how that last ended, don't you remember very well? "

" Oh come on jungkook!! Please!! Do this solid for me as a friend!! "

" First tell me when is the damn concert? " Jungkook says while putting his books and groceries away

" A month from now!! Come on jungkook! I couldn't convince my boyfriend! You're my last hope!! "

Jungkook groans in annoyance putting away all his groceries in their certain place moving his hair back

" I'll go on one condition "

" Yay!! Name it! "

" You're buying my ticket since I don't wanna see a dumb idol just singing and dancing on stage I rather be at home studying for my online exam "

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