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After he proposed, taehyung had came out with news and everyone was either disappointed or happy jungkook was now living in his penthouse apartment his mom was gonna fix the wedding smiling

Jungkook was laying upside down on his couch with sweater paws and some sweatpants bored out his mind as taehyung was upstairs working on some songs

Then the younger sighs deciding to call him as taehyung had his phone beside him answering him chuckling

" What is it baby? "

" Can you come cuddle me? "

" Baby, you know I'm busy working on a new album can't you cuddle the pillow? "

" Taeee "

" I'm busy baby Go take my credit card from my wallet and buy yourself some stuff okay? I love you "

Taehyung then hangs up as the younger pouted like a baby grabbing a huge couch pillow hugging it tight he looks at the TV changing the channel listening

' We can't believe it! The day is finally here! Kim Taehyung is getting married to CEO's son Jeon Jungkook! '

' They make such a good couple! We hope to hear more about this couple real soon! '

Jungkook changes it again watching a movie yawning afterwards still bored then wait for taehyung to be finished he didn't take his offer because he didn't wanna waste all his money

Jungkook calls his boyfriend again as he answered laying back in his seat

" Yeah baby? "

" Can I order food with your credit card? " Jungkook says holding his phone

" Yeah of course baby get whatever you want "

" Okie sorry for disturbing you "

" It's fine I love you "

" I love you too "

The younger hangs up then gets his credit card deciding to order two boxes of pizza then grabs them when they deliver it smiling

Jungkook smiles eating a few slices chewing on it happily watching a movie he knew taehyung was working hard so he took him a few pizzas and a water bottle going into his studio setting it by his equipment the older looks at him smiling

" Thanks baby "

" don't work too hard " Jungkook says kissing his cheek before leaving shutting the door smiling

After jungkook ate, he puts away the extra ones smiling then cleans up a little sitting on the couch yawning he facetimed with jimin since he was bored but he was on yoongi's lap so he couldn't he pouted hearing his phone ring seeing it was his mom answering

" Hey mom "

" Oh ggukie, I only called you to ask you something about wedding plans "

" What is it? "

" Do you want a dress for the wedding? Or a suit? "

Jungkook blushed Red covering his mouth

" A d-dress? "

" Yeah? It's fine I'll put it down as suit! "

" No um! Dress for wedding.. Suit for the reception.. If that's okay.. "

" Got it! Next week, we're going to go choose dresses!! "

He hangs up as the younger couldn't stop blushing then shakes his head relaxing going to the fridge for some banana milk poking a straw to it drinking it then sees taehyung coming downstairs all showered and only in sweatpants and shirtless drying his hair

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