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After a couple days, taehyung had everything packed as the younger was asleep cuddling onto the blanket wearing nothing but an oversized sweatshirt sleeping

" My beautiful baby " Taehyung says finishing up looking at him smiling then opens his balcony window feeling the breeze sighing thinking to himself

Tae's mind
' Will you move on..? After two years, will you still be here with me..? I'm gonna keep loving you just like you love me.. '

The older relaxes looking at the starry night sky then goes back to their bedroom seeing his baby asleep going to him kissing his cheek softly holding him

" Baby.. You're so cute.. "

" Mmm.. " Jungkook groans softly

" I love you okay..? "

" I love you too tae.. "

The next day, taehyung was about to leave as he had people put his luggage in the car the younger was a bit sad rubbing his arm softly

" Can't I go with you to the airport..? "

" Sorry baby there's gonna be alot of paparazzi and alot of flashes from cameras "

" I understand.. "

" Don't worry I'll be back soon "

The younger nods as taehyung kisses his head softly smiling jungkook smiles wrapping his arms around his neck kissing him deeply holding him the older held him chuckling softly kissing back then hears a clearing of throat seeing his manager

" It's time taehyung "

His manager leaves as the older sighs letting of his baby's waist jungkook kisses him deeply one last time before pulling away

" Call me and Text me everyday please.. "

" I will baby.. Don't worry.. "

Taehyung kisses him deeply sliding a small box on the kitchen counter with a note then leaves smiling the younger watches him leave sighing looking down

As he was gonna make something to eat, he sees the small box with the note he reads the note holding the small box

' I wanted to do this when I came back but I just couldn't I hope you like your engagement ring I picked out for you I love you so much ❤️ '

Jungkook opened the small box seeing a diamond heart shaped engagement ring as he started tearing up he looked at it as it shined

" I love it.. I just wish you were still here to put it on for me.. " Jungkook says putting it on his left hand on his ring finger smiling to himself

Meanwhile, taehyung was already in his first class seat on the place sighing he laid back seeing a text from jungkook smiling

Baby 🐰❤️
Tae.. You shouldn't have left so fast..

Tae 🐯❤️
Why baby? Did you wanna kiss me some more?

Baby 🐰❤️
A little bit.. But I wanted you to put the ring on me..

Tae 🐯❤️
Oh did you like it?

Baby 🐰❤️
Tae.. I loved it.. I love you..

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