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Jungkook went back to Seoul he was in the older's apartment he called the movers and decided to move somewhere else far from everyone he sees missed calls and missed texts but he throws his phone to the wall shattering it completely

After a couple of weeks, he got a huge penthouse thanks to his parents he lived alone he gripped his hand looking down

" I'm gonna live on without you taehyung..! But how..? " Jungkook says having his head down holding his knees he had a new phone sighing he started tearing up wiping them away " I'm tired of getting hurt and being hurt.. "

He decided a shower would be best but it just made it worse he remembered having fond memories he cries washing his face getting out after getting some banana milk from the fridge drinking it feeling a bit better he still had the same number he only had jimin, yugyeom, and his parents phone numbers

" Tae.. Why?! What did I do to make you hurt me so much?! "

After another year, He heard door knocks getting up seeing who it was confused he opens it seeing yugyeom

" Oh you long time no see "

" hey I heard about the whole thing with your boyfriend "

" It's fine.. I rather not date anyone anyway.. "

" I hear that so listen I thought you might wanna hang out and clear your mind "

" I wish I could but I have to be somewhere with my parents maybe next time I'll text you "

" Sure thing "

After that, jungkook got dressed in a suit clearing his throat his parents were in Seoul for the week so they wanted to do something and invite everyone even a few idols they knew that they've broken up a driver came to get the younger as he goes

He arrives at his parents home he helped his eomma with cooking as guests begun to arrive he brought jimin with him just so he shouldn't feel alone they drank champagne

" How you feeling kookie? "

" I'm okay.. Being here with my parents and you make me feel a whole lot better besides I've been feeling good "

" I'm glad you feel better kook "

" Mhm! "

They clink their drinks smiling as jimin looked around then chokes on his drink moving jungkook elsewhere so he doesn't notice

" What's wrong jimin hyung? "

" Trust me you don't wanna know who showed up "

Jungkook was confused then sees who he was talking about dropping his glass he stays calm holding jimin's shoulder seeing it was taehyung

" I won't let him run my life anymore.. "

On the other hand, taehyung notices the younger right away looking down grabbing a glass of wine drinking it as he brought along bogum

On the other hand, taehyung notices the younger right away looking down grabbing a glass of wine drinking it as he brought along bogum

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Tae's mind
' I'm so fucking stupid and naive.. He's so perfect.. Oh my god.. I'm sorry baby.. I'm gonna do everything possible to have you back in my life.. '

" Taehyung, stop staring at the kid his parents are super scary " Bogum says

" That's my ex bogum " Taehyung replies holding his glass

" You? With that fine piece of ass? Oof can I take? "

" No you can't take! I'm planning on getting him back I broke up with Irene.. I've taken counseling I've stopped messing with girls all I want is him back in my arms again.. "

" Good luck with that I'm gonna go chat for a little bit with him "

Bogum goes to the younger who was drinking champagne

" So Taehyung's ex, you single? "

" If I am? "

" I wanna take you out show you a good time "

" Not interested "

Bogum goes back to taehyung as he crossed his arms

" Whatever not like he was my type anyway "

Namjoon and jin were on top of the stage holding a microphone clearing their throats having everyone's attention

" So recently, we've found out that my baby's ex boyfriend cheated on him but we've found a perfect solution " Jin says

" Kim Yugyeom and Ggukie come up here please " Namjoon says

They go as they smiled at each other already knowing who each other were taehyung growls under his breath

" We've decided to have an arranged marriage between these two! The two biggest heirs of their company's! " Jin says

Everyone claps and cheered as they get off the stage talking taehyung's eyes widened he drank a full glass of wine as jin approaches him

" Now you know what it feels like to be hurt just like he felt a year ago.. "

Taehyung sighs looking down then goes outside getting fresh air he thought he could get him back but he's now getting married and basically by force

" I ruined everything.. You gave me your trust and I broke it.. I feel like an I'm sorry is not enough for what I've done.. But what can I do..? " Taehyung says about to cry

" Get him back.. Trust me he hasn't gotten over you if he did he would've thrown away that stupid necklace by now " Jimin replies

" He still has it? "

" Duh! Didn't you see what was around his neck?! "

" How can I get him back? I've ruined everything.. "

" It might take awhile but think about it.. He still loves you.. He has nightmares about you that make him scream in his sleep.. "

" I can't allow some fucker to take him.. "

" He is actually getting married.. "

" What? "

" He wanted to forget you so he asked his parents to arrange him in a marriage so he doesn't suffer anymore.. Whatever you do, you gotta win him back.. "

" But how? Can you help me?! "

" Depends what I get in return "

" Here " Taehyung gives him a unlimited VIP pass to enter any of his concerts and be backstage watching him perform

" Pleasure doing business with you " Jimin takes it

" So what do I have to do? "

" First let things settle he seems a little tense "

" Okay afterwards what? "

" He still listens to your songs so serenade him do anything possible enough to be with him "

" Why are you helping me? I thought you hated me too? "

" I did but for an entire year.. He couldn't stopped crying over you.. He wouldn't eat.. He couldn't sleep.. I had to take care of him.. He seems fine right now.. But he isn't he screams crying about you.. I want jungkook being happy again and you're the only way so if you want him back you gotta follow everything I say do you understand? "

" I understand. What's first? "

" Let's get started "


[COMPLETED] My Idolized Boyfriend || Taekook Where stories live. Discover now