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" Listen taehyung! Don't get angry! He's not dating nobody! " Hoseok says

" First I wanna know his answer when you asked him this should be good " Taehyung sits back on the equipment

" Well of course he said no at first.. But if he knew you were coming he would accept! "

" No you aren't taking my ex on a date "

" It's not really on you to decide "

" Then who's decision is it? "

" My ex's "

" He's both our ex! " Taehyung says getting off the equipment getting angry

" Doesn't matter I'm taking him back! " Hoseok replies

They hear a knock as jimin comes in waving for taehyung to come then he goes going outside the gym

" Taehyung, you're really getting engaged?! " Jimin says crossing his arms

" Yeah.. I am.. "

" You shouldn't have him trust in you.. "

" I'm sorry.. If I could be with him, I would.. "

" I came to tell you something but I don't think you care anymore since you're getting engaged "

" I still care about him! Why? Is he okay? "

" He had a panic attack after you found out you were getting engaged.. He's not in a good state right now.. And it's all because of you.. "

Taehyung looks down as he changes quickly grabbing his stuff going to his apartment still having his key going inside seeing it empty

" Jungkook! Baby! Babe!! "

The older sees him in a sweatshirt and sweatpants holding the side of his head then goes to him grabbing his wrists seeing he was in tears

" Jungkook.. I thought this breakup wouldn't hurt you.. "

" You think this breakup wouldn't hurt me..? Though you took my first time.. "

" Jungkook.. " Taehyung says softly holding his wrists as the younger looked down he leans his forehead against his holding him softly

" Baby, look at me.. " Taehyung adds in as he pulls his hands softly to hold his cheeks the younger looks at him then the older sings softly to him " I'll hold you when things go wrong.. Baby, I'm right here.. "

Jungkook holds his cheeks as the older holds him comforting him kissing his forehead softly the younger sighs in relief moving his hands off

" You can go back to her now.. I can deal with the rest on my own.. "

" Baby.. "

" Go Tae.. "

" No baby.. I'm not leaving you again.. "

" Just go.. You're engaged anyway.. "

Taehyung shakes his head moving his hands to his waist pulling him close kissing his head softly

" We only pretended to be engaged for the media.. The only person I wanna marry is you.. "

" Stop saying stuff like that.. "

" Jungkook.. Take me back.. "

" I can't.. Your career.. "

" We can just hide it again until I find out who exposed those photos.. "

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