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Jungkook wakes up sitting up having a headache plus a hangover he held his head seeing where he was confused he was in taehyung's bed

" Why am I here..? What happened? "

The older came in holding breakfast for jungkook but first he gave him some pills and a glass of water

" Here take these you passed out.. "

Jungkook takes the pills drinking the water setting it down as he sighs then taehyung gave him breakfast the younger looked at him

" Thank you.. For you know.. Saving me.. "

" I couldn't stand by and let him do that to you.. I'm pretty sure he drugged you by spiking your drink.. You might've moved on.. But.. Just know I still love you.. "

Taehyung went to go shower as he went in his restroom shutting the door the younger looked down at the food moving his hair back

" I still love you too.. You idiot.. "

Afterwards, he finishes eating then goes downstairs making breakfast for taehyung leaving it there but he sees alot of soju bottles in the trash

" Has he been drinking..? "

Taehyung gets out the shower drying his hair with a towel shirtless and having sweatpants going downstairs sighing seeing he had left breakfast wrapped in tinfoil with a small note on top of it picking it up as he ends up smiling happily

' Can we can be together again..? '

" Of course baby " Taehyung says smiling texting jimin so he can give him jungkook's phone number

Afterwards, jungkook took a shower at home then lays in bed in his sweatshirt and shorts holding the sheets smiling sleeping for a little bit burying his face on the pillow

Then after a couple of hours, the younger woke up to his phone ringing seeing a random phone number answering it

" Hewwo? " Jungkook says cutely as his sweatshirt uncovered his shoulder yawning

" Hey cutie I read the note you left on top of the breakfast Are you serious? " Taehyung replies

" Maybe.. It's just how can I trust you..? "

" I never had sex with Irene.. I couldn't.. Your body is all I could think of.. "

" How..? If her body is much better.. "

" No it isn't.. When I was holding her.. I thought I was holding you.. I'm not comparing you two.. But you're all that I thought of.. You're everything to me baby.. You're absolutely perfect.. "

" Tae.. "

" Listen.. Are you free today? "

" Why? "

" I thought I'd take you out for making up me being an asshole.. "

" You want to take me out on a date? "

" Yeah.. Also if you agree to the date, I thought you'd agree of us being together again.. "

" I do want us to be together.. Tae.. It's been a year.. Have you really changed..? "

" If I didn't change, I would've been out doing god knows what.. I want- no I need you with all my heart while I was with you.. Those were the happiest days of my life.. Please jungkook.. I love you.. Will you please take me back? "

[COMPLETED] My Idolized Boyfriend || Taekook Where stories live. Discover now