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Jungkook came home that evening after dropping off jimin he went inside sighing then taehyung was on the couch drinking scotch on the rocks then his boyfriend approaches him

" Hey tae.. I'm home.. "

" Hey.. "

" Tae, are you okay? "

" Yeah I'm fine "

Taehyung finishes his glass then sets it on the living room table jungkook gulped as there was such a tense aura

" Tae..? "

" What? "

" Are you mad at me..? "

" I don't know seeing you kiss my best friend might've done it "

" Okay first of all, he kissed me! And why are getting mad at me?! "

" Because he's the only friend I have right now! "

" You know what, tae? I don't feel like arguing! We shouldn't be married if you're not gonna believe me!!! "

" Baby, I didn't say I didn't believe you! Okay I'm sorry I'll have to talk to bogum "

" No! First say sorry like you mean it! "

Taehyung pulls his arm as for him to sit on his lap kissing him deeply the younger giggles kissing back

The next day, jungkook was in the living room as taehyung went to him

" Baby, we need to get dressed today "

" For what? "

" I've been invited to some music Awards "

" So you were nominated? "

" I guess so "

" I'm happy for you tae! I know you'll win! "

" Thanks baby let's get dressed "

After taehyung turns away, jungkook decides to act playful and climb on top of the couch jumping on his back then the older holds him chuckling

" Tae, I feel like you're doubting yourself "

" A little bit baby "

" Don't doubt yourself! I know you'll win alot! "

" Baby, I honestly don't deserve you "

Jungkook smiles turning his head to the side kissing him deeply holding onto him still then pulls away

" Now to the showers! "

After they showered together, they get dressed classy like as they had a driver due to his manager they go grabbing their phones and stuff as they talked throughout the ride

" Tae, I'm nervous.. I've never been to any of these before.. "

" Don't be nervous baby there's just gonna be alot of paparazzi "

" How is that supposed to make me feel better? "

" Just relax besides everyone should see how beautiful you look "

Jungkook looks away blushing lightly as taehyung kisses his cheek softly holding his waist pulling him close then they arrive

" Are you ready Mr. Kim? "

" Yeah are you okay baby? "

" Yeah I'm okay! "

His driver opens the door as taehyung and jungkook get out flashes went everywhere then taehyung held his waist walking inside

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