♚ 29 ♚

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The older laid back in his chair he thought this is all he's wanted he's risen to the top he wanted nothing more but to go on a worldwide tour but now that he had jungkook he didn't know what would be of their relationship

" Can I think about it..? " Taehyung says holding the contract

" Yes of course " His manager says

The older looks through the contract sighing as he puts it down

" I don't know if I can do this.. Yes my career will soar.. But what about jungkook? I can't leave him.. "

" Like I said, this is your once in a lifetime opportunity plus you two will still be together just long distance "

" True.. Is there anyway I can take him with me? "

" Taehyung, no you can't bring along nobody besides manager and your stylists.. I know you love him but you can do long distance, can't you? "

" Hardly.. I'll think about it then get back to you "

Then taehyung went home having no idea how to tell his baby the younger was finishing his assignments noticing his boyfriend was home

" Hey tae! " Jungkook says getting up going to him kissing him as he kissed back

" Hey baby were you doing your assignments? Don't let me disturb you " Taehyung replies holding his waist

" No I just finished and I made dinner just in case you were hungry! "

" Thanks I'll eat after I shower "

Taehyung goes upstairs while jungkook reheats his dinner smiling then he fixes his sweater paws yawning cutely he shuts his laptop putting it away then he trips over his boyfriends bag whining

" Ow! " Jungkook whines seeing he took out a few papers putting them back neatly until he sees one confused

" What's this? " The younger opens it curiously seeing it was the world tour contract as his eyes widened " World tour..? "

He hears the water stop he puts it back neatly as he pretended like nothing happened clearing his throat grabbing a carton of banana milk from the fridge opening it drinking it

Taehyung came downstairs drying his hair with a towel putting it away afterwards he goes to the kitchen wrapping his strong arms around his waist

" What did you cook for dinner baby? "

" Nothing much just some japchae.. "

" Sounds good but I want dessert first "

" Huh? "

Taehyung lifts him up on the counter as the younger giggles holding his shoulders the older goes in between his legs kissing him deeply holding him making out with each other

Jungkook still had his mind elsewhere he had so many questions to ask him but how could he ask if he was scared, scared to believe that he'll leave him and never come back, scared that he might leave for somebody else

In the middle of the make out session, jungkook started to sob quietly taehyung hears that and moves back seeing tears flow down his cheeks wiping them

" Baby? What's wrong? "

" Are you gonna leave me alone..? "

" What? "

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