♚ 7 ♚

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" Manager I can't pronounce tzuyu as my girlfriend! I thought you said I couldn't date! "

" It's for the fans your lifestyle won't change! "

" I know that! But I can't tzuyu is my childhood friend not a lover! "

" It's just for the fans then after a month we'll say you two broke up over an argument you need the publicity be dressed for the interview tomorrow! "

His manager hangs up then he sighs going to his hairstylist having his hair dyed to black. Meanwhile with jungkook, he gets out the shower drying his hair wearing a sweatshirt and shorts then climbs onto bed looking through his phone seeing no texts or calls from his so called boyfriend he looked down

He puts his phone to charge then heads to sleep. The next day, jungkook hears knocks on the doors then rubs his eyes seeing it was jimin

" Jimin, what the hell?! "

" Come on get dressed! "

" Where are we going? "

" We're going to your boyfriends interview! Come on we gotta go! "

" Hold on I gotta get dressed "

Jungkook gets dressed into some ripped jeans and a black shirt then grabs a black hoodie wearing it. They arrive as they go way up front away from the fangirls the younger yawns listening in

" Today we gave Kim Taehyung and Chou Tzu-yu so how about we give a warm welcome to the happy couple! "

" Couple? " Jungkook says confused

Taehyung and Tzuyu come onto stage holding hands smiling as jungkook's heart broke looking at them

" Thank you guys for being here! So everybody is dying to know! How did you two become a couple? And such a good looking pair too? "

" Well at first we we're childhood friends but we decided there was something more between us "

As tzuyu talked, taehyung looked at the crowd seeing jungkook as his eyes widened

" Babe.. " Taehyung says quietly

Jungkook rips off his necklace leaving as taehyung wanted to go after him but couldn't jimin grabbed the necklace running after the younger

" That's great tzuyu! And what about you taehyung? Taehyung? "

" Oh I'm sorry my mind wandered "

After the interview, he had to go see him and explain as tzuyu held his arm

" Where are you going? "

" Listen I gotta go I'll talk to you later "

Taehyung moves his arm leaving as he rushed to jungkook's apartment knocking on the door holding it

" Babe.. Come on I know you're in there.. Please baby.. Jungkook..? " Taehyung says holding the door hearing silence then looks inside the window of his apartment seeing nothing " Fuck.. Where are you? "

Jungkook was at jimin's place looking down as jimin comforts him hugging him tightly petting his head

" It's okay kook.. "

The younger feels his phone vibrate seeing it was him answering as he was in tears covering his eyes

" What do you want..? "

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