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Taehyung woke up with jungkook in his arms checking the time as it was five in the morning holding him closer sleeping for awhile longer knowing he had to get up for dance practice in a bit

After he woke up the second time, he sees the time seeing it was seven in the morning then gets up letting go of jungkook kissing his cheek softly going to the bathroom showering

Jungkook woke up whiny seeing his husband had to leave like always he looked down having his blanket over him

After a couple of hours, jungkook woke up as he had already left he sighs getting up putting his bunny slippers on then opens the blinds too seeing it was cloudy

" I hope tae took an umbrella today.. "

Jungkook prances downstairs smiling he goes to the kitchen going to make himself some scrambled eggs but he sees breakfast was already made for him on the counter he sees a note reading it

' Happy birthday baby.. I'm sorry I had to leave but I'll come home as soon as I can to celebrate with you I love you ❤️ '

" Thanks tae.. I'm twenty two now.. " Jungkook rubs his hair giggling

After breakfast, he didn't think they could go out since it looked like it was gonna rain he didn't care staying inside he didn't mind just being with his boyfriend he smiles changing into a sweatshirt and shorts then hears the door knock seeing his parents opening the door

" Hi mom and dad "

" Hey ggukie we just came to drop off your presents! And bring you your favorite cake! " Namjoon says

" You brought me chocolate cake? "

" Of course our little baby boy! " Jin says setting the cake on the table

" Aw thanks you guys.. "

" We gotta leave we have stuff to do "

Jin and Namjoon kiss jungkook's forehead telling him happy birthday before leaving as they shut the door

Jungkook smiles looking at the presents as they were expensive as usual he giggles shaking his head looking at them his dad gave him another Rolex then his mom gave him a huge stuffed bunny he giggles smiling putting them away hearing another knock

He goes looking through the door hole seeing it was jimin opening it

" Kookie! Happy birthday! Me and yoongi picked it out just for you! " Jimin says giving him the present

" Now I'm scared.. " Jungkook replies seeing inside it blushing red as it was a bunny lingerie covering his face " Thank you jimin hyung.. "

" So you and you're boyfriend can get busy in bed " Jimin says with a wink

" Yeah I got that.. Thanks really I know he'll love it.. "

" You're welcome! I gotta go yoongi has a girl friend over and I'm letting my petty jealousy get in between!! "

" Okay jimin hyung "

Jimin waves goodbye leaving as jungkook shuts the door hiding this in a drawer until tonight he smiles then hears another knock on the door seeing it was hoseok kinda scared but opens it

" Hey hoseok "

" Hey jungkook happy birthday I brought you a small gift.. "

" You shouldn't have.. "

Hoseok hands him a box then jungkook opens it seeing a heart shaped necklace he looks it shocked

" Wow it's beautiful.. Can you put it on me? "

" Yeah sure.. "

Hoseok took off the necklace he had on as he puts the one he gave jungkook on him then the younger looks at it smiling

" Thank you hobi! "

" Sure no problem I'll see you later "

Hoseok left then his face was red covering his mouth that way he called him 'hobi' made his heart race he messed up badly regretting cheating on jungkook then he leaves

After awhile, it started to rain a little jungkook was sitting on the couch waiting on taehyung a little pouty cause he haven't been home yet he tried calling him and texting him he didn't answer

He then hears the door open and close getting up in a hurry seeing taehyung under an umbrella closing it moving his hair back

" Hey baby "

" Tae.. You scared me.. I tried calling and texting you what happened? "

" Sorry babe I was busy I should've called you back but I was getting your present for you "

" Tae.. Me being your fiancé is enough.. "

Taehyung puts the bouquet of roses on the counter then opens the umbrella bringing jungkook outside with him

" Tae? What is it? "

" Here " Taehyung gives him some keys then jungkook was confused

" Tae? "

Jungkook hits the alarm button getting startled by the noise seeing it was an expensive car he shakes his head

" Tae! What did you do! " Jungkook says surprised

" I bought your dream car for your birthday baby " Taehyung replies

" But tae! "

" Baby, shush it's your birthday "

" I love you so much tae.. "

" I love you too baby.. So much.. "

Jungkook kisses him deeply holding onto him as they kissed under the umbrella taehyung held his waist with one arm smiling then they go inside

" Well baby, it's your day what do you wanna do? "

" Hmm.. "

After he thought about it, they make a pillowfort in the living room then taehyung put potato chips in bowls and other snacks plus candy jungkook looked through movies putting an Avengers movie smiling

Then as he made popcorn they cut a piece of the chocolate cake dimming the lights down so it looked like a movie theater jungkook smiled watching and eating with taehyung

During the movie, jungkook climbs on taehyung sitting on his lap then the older smiled chuckling holding cuddling him he notices the necklace on him wasn't his

" Baby? "

" Yeah? "

" Who gave you that necklace? "

" Oh hoseok gave it to me as a birthday present "

" But you took off the one I gave you? "

" It's fine tae.. I still have the engagement ring.. "

" That's true.. "

" It's okay don't be jealous I have a surprise for you in the bedroom later too! "

" and what's that? "

" You'll see~ "

Taehyung sighs holding him as they watched the movie and jungkook was stuffing his cheeks while watching but seeing him wear a necklace that his ex gave him bothered him alot he was a little angry he gave him a gift like that


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