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Taehyung woke up having his arms around his wife kissing his neck to wake him up starting to go down kissing his shoulder to his collarbone

" Baby good morning "

" Morning.. " Jungkook says still sleepy

" Okay I'll let you sleep for a little bit " Taehyung says giving him a kiss on his head going downstairs

Jungkook smiles stretching then gets in the shower as taehyung made breakfast the younger smiles after his shower in a sweatshirt and shorts coming downstairs going to his husband hugging him from behind

" Tae.. "

" Yes baby? "

" I love you "

" I love you too "

After breakfast, taehyung looked through social media as jungkook was sitting beside him with his legs on his lap

" Tae? Do we have anything planned for today? "

" Are you bored baby? "

" A little it is our honeymoon after all.. "

" We'll find something to do baby don't worry "

Taehyung had an arm around him pulling him in kissing him deeply the younger kisses back deeply then taehyung shuts his laptop moving his wife's legs then gets up going to go look

Afterwards, they get dressed as taehyung held his hand taking him somewhere the younger was curious holding his hand tightly then they arrive at a luau with performers getting a table sitting down

" Wow.. This is amazing tae.. "

" I thought you'd like it it's for newlyweds and couples "

" We are newlyweds tae.. "

" Yeah I know baby "

They were about to kiss but hear a familiar voice stopping them seeing yugyeom going to them confused

" Hey you two what are you doing here? "

" It's our honeymoon yugyeom and we'd like to be left alone " Taehyung says angrily

" Honeymoon?! Pfft that's a funny joke! There's no way you two are actually married! "

Taehyung grabs ahold of jungkook's left hand kissing it softly showing off the rings smirking the younger smiled holding his hand tightly

" There's no way in hell you two are actually married! When I was gonna get married to him! "

" Yours was arranged dumbass ours is real "

" Oh Tae.. "

" He was supposed to be my wife! "

" He only wanted an arranged marriage to forget about me he still loved me so it wouldn't work out now leave you're bothering our honeymoon "

" No! How about you leave him and get a divorce? "

" How about you walk into the ocean and get eaten by a shark? "

Taehyung snaps his fingers and security came pulling yugyeom out as he clears his throat jungkook was confused

" Tae? You hired security? "

" Yeah I hired security to take care of you and me so something won't happen "

" I love you.. "

[COMPLETED] My Idolized Boyfriend || Taekook Where stories live. Discover now