♚ 24 ♚

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After jungkook finally moved in, his parents got money back from his old apartment taehyung had fired his old manager and hired the assistant manager instead he had a busy schedule as usual but he made time for his boyfriend

Taehyung was in his studio working on a new song the younger brought him some food and a water bottle kissing his cheek

" Don't stress yourself "

" Thanks baby "

" Do you need anything else? "

" No I'm fine babe "

" Tae.. "

" Get some rest baby.. "

Jungkook nodded going to their shared Bedroom he puts on his shorts and a sweatshirt then brushes his teeth he was about to go their bedroom but instead goes to his studio closing the door

The younger climbed on his lap as taehyung let him confused jungkook snuggled onto him hugging him

" Baby.. I told you to get some rest "

" I won't get rest if you're not holding me.. "

Taehyung sighs wrapping his arms around him kissing him softly holding him the younger kissed back then sleeps on his shoulder smiling

After a couple of hours, jungkook was fast asleep on taehyung the older carries him to bed letting him sleep the older takes a break shutting off his computer going outside for some fresh air

Jungkook woke up lifting his head up seeing the other side of bed empty he didn't have strength to get up so he laid there going back to sleep the older comes back in looking at his baby laying beside him

" You look so pretty asleep baby.. " Taehyung whispers wrapping his arms around his waist holding him while he sleeps

After a couple of hours, jungkook hears rummage around their bedroom he woke up seeing it was tae he sits up yawning like a baby bunny rubbing his eyes

" Tae..? Why are you awake? "

" Sorry baby I have to go in early as usual "

" Are you gonna eat something before you go? "

" Don't worry about that "

" Should I make you some breakfast tae? "

" No babe it's fine "

" No I don't want you going hungry "

Jungkook gets out of bed going downstairs the older sighs smiling then gets dressed the younger made him breakfast taehyung wraps his arms around him

" Baby, you really don't have to "

" I want to though "

The older turns him around then kisses him lifting him up jungkook kissed back holding onto him

" Tae.. I'm making breakfast.. "

" Can you be my breakfast instead? "

" No.. You gotta eat properly.. "

Taehyung kept kissing him deeply holding him as the younger gets down smiling cooking breakfast then lets the older eat before leaving he kissed him

" I'll see you later baby go back to sleep "

" Okie.. "

After he left, jungkook washed everything going back to their bedroom laying in bed sleeping comfortably

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