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Jungkook was getting dressed smiling brushing his hair fixing himself giggling as he looks in the mirror then hears his phone ringing seeing it was taehyung answering it as he smiles

" Hey tae! "

" Hey baby I'm outside can I come in? "

" Of course tae! I'm just putting my Rolex on and the necklace "

" Alright "

Taehyung goes inside his huge apartment going upstairs into his bedroom as jungkook smiled looking at him

Taehyung goes inside his huge apartment going upstairs into his bedroom as jungkook smiled looking at him

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" Hey handsome boyfriend of mine "

Taehyung chuckles sitting on his bed thinking he looked absolutely gorgeous he smiled to himself

Taehyung chuckles sitting on his bed thinking he looked absolutely gorgeous he smiled to himself

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" Hey beautiful boyfriend of mine "

Taehyung then gets up kissing him deeply smiling the younger smiled kissed back getting up

" You wanna get going? "

" Mhm let's go " Jungkook says holding his keys and phone smiling

They go to taehyung's car as he opened the door for the younger to enter then he does smiling happily bogum decides to call the older as he answers while driving having him on speaker

" What is it bogum? "

" You here yet? "

" About to arrive "

" Okay, for some reason there's paparazzi waiting for you two "

" Great.. Alright thanks for telling me "

He hangs up as they arrive smiling then jungkook holds his hand tightly looking at him

" it's okay.. People were gonna find out.. I'm ready to be public with you.. "

" Next time, bring some sunglasses "

" For what? "

They get out the car as flashes go everywhere taehyung holds jungkook's waist tightly heading inside smiling the younger giggles

[COMPLETED] My Idolized Boyfriend || Taekook Where stories live. Discover now