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" I have a hickey..? " Taehyung says holding his neck confused

Jungkook sighs grabbing the couch pillow hitting him with it as taehyung grabbed it putting it down

" Baby, relax it's probably nothing "

" I see now.. I see why.. You had your door locked you didn't want me walking in on you two "

" Babe.. I didn't lock the door "

" Taehyung.. Why did you make me fall for you if you're just gonna hurt me..? "

" Jungkook! we didn't do anything! "

" I'm trying to trust you I really am.. But how can I trust you when it looks like you're cheating on me? "

" I'm not cheating on you! "

Jungkook looks down as the older wraps his hands around his slim waist pulling him close the younger looked away from him starting to sob

" look at me.. Please look at me.. "

The older places his forehead against his baby's holding him jungkook sniffles taehyung wipes his tears

" Don't cry.. "

Taehyung was gonna kiss him but jungkook flinches slapping him getting off him going upstairs into the guest room crying his eyes out on the bed

" Okay.. I deserved that.. "

The next day, taehyung had the day off so he decides to make a date for him as an a apology he was gonna bring him breakfast but he sees the younger already dressed and just out from the shower

" Baby, where are you going? "

" Out.. "

" Are you going alone? I was thinking to buy you some new clothes I have the day off today "

" No.. I can buy my own clothes.. And I'm not going alone I'm going with hoseok.. " Jungkook says blow drying his hair

" Wait with hoseok?! Baby, I wanted us to go on a date "

" Go ask Irene I know damn well she'd love to go on a date with you "

" Are you still mad about the hickey? "

" Let me think, if I came out a room with a good friend of mine and you saw a hickey on my neck how would you feel?! "

" obviously, you're upset.. I know.. But I didn't know where it came from! "

" Whatever.. Go on a date with her "

" Okay baby, you're acting ridiculous! "

" I'm acting ridiculous?! When I'm supposed to be the one who gives you hickeys and I'm the one you're supposed to be child-like with! Instead of her.. Why her, not me..? What did I do for you to wreck it all?! Tell me.. " Jungkook says sounding so hurt and able to hear the pain in his voice

" Baby.. I- "

They hear a ring as it was the younger's phone he grabs it answering

" Hey jungkook, you ready? "

" Yeah.. Let me just get my shoes on.. "

Jungkook hangs up wiping his tears then puts his shoes on about to leave as taehyung stops him still

" Wait where are you going dressed like that? "

" Oh.. You haven't heard..? "

" Heard what? "

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