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Jungkook was at home in his sweatshirt and shorts in sweater paws he hears small knocks going to it opening it seeing a flower delivery person

" Are you Jeon Jungkook? "

" Yes? "

" These are for you " The person hands it to him as he leaves " have a nice day now "

" Thank you "

He goes back inside seeing the small card as he grabbed it reading it

' I still love you let me make it right.. '

Jungkook looks at the flowers as the two males were looking through his window not to make it obvious they whispered

" You think he'll like them? " Taehyung says whispering to him

" Maybe after you left him, he did become a little stubborn.. " Jimin replies whispering

They look through his window as the youngest grabbed the bouquet and threw them in the trash and the card jimin was about to laugh but he shuts him up going to taehyung's huge penthouse

" Damn.. I thought that would work.. " Taehyung paces around

After a couple of minutes, jimin had got a call from jungkook showing taehyung putting it on speaker answering it

" Hey kookie why are you awake? "

" I just had a really bad nightmare.. Can you come over..? "

" Sure I'll be there in ten "

" Thank you.. "

Jimin hangs up putting his phone away getting up as taehyung couldn't believe what he heard he sounded in pain over the phone

" You know what's funny? The nightmares are about you he tries to figure out what he did wrong but ends up having nightmares that you left him for someone else just like his ex did.. "

" Let me go with you.. I need to see if he's okay.. "

" Fine but if he's asleep, don't wake him up "

They go in jimin's car as they arrive jimin had a spare key letting himself inside with taehyung they go to his bedroom seeing he was asleep breathing heavily

Taehyung goes near his face caressing it softly making sure he doesn't wake up kissing his forehead softly

" I fucked up.. and I'm not saying this to get back with you.. I'm really really sorry.. I love you so much.. Fuck.. I'm really sorry baby.. If you took me back, I'd propose to you already.. " Taehyung sighs softly in tears " I love you jungkook.. When I'm with you I'm the happiest.. Cause you're the purpose of my happiness "

Afterwards, he leaves having a driver outside waiting for him as he goes home then lays down on his couch having his arm over his eyes falling asleep

The next day, jungkook didn't wake up to his nightmares he woke up normally he sighs in relief getting up from bed moving his hair back needing to get dressed he got a call from jimin answering

" Hey jimin hyung.. "

" Hey you feeling okay? "

" Yeah I woke up without any nightmares.. "

" I call that improvement "

" I guess so.. I'll call you later I gotta meet up with my parents.. "

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